Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Holy Spirit Does When He Invades a Doctor’s Medical Practice

I am a medical doctor who believes in the healing power of God, but that was not always the case.

As a young man, I was drawn to watch Billy Graham’s crusades on television, but that was about the extent of my spirituality. I had always had the desire to help people, and I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a doctor and do what I could to eliminate sickness and disease from the world.

I attended medical school at one of the most godless institutions I had ever encountered; the people there were not necessarily evil, but they glorified science, reason and knowledge above all else. Physicians were trained to focus only on the body and perhaps the mind of the patient, but never the spirit—that was left up to the patient’s minister or the chaplain on call.

Even so, I was fascinated in medical school with the sheer magnificence of the human body. Now I can express that fascination in the words of Scripture, which declares that we are made “with fear and wonder” (Ps. 139:14b). The body has such intricate systems, all working together as a whole; I realized that our bodies are too amazing to have simply evolved on their own from a one-cell organism millions of years ago. There had to be the hand of a Creator involved.

After completing medical school and my internship, I began seeing patients and discovered that they had real problems, many of which had stumped the medical community. There was only so much that doctors knew to do for many of the critical diseases that people faced.

I finally accepted Jesus Christ in 1979 and was born again. Through this life-changing experience, I discovered a whole new perspective on this business of making people whole. I began to see that there had to be a source of healing that surpassed what science and medicine had to offer.

Jehovah-Rapha began to reveal to me that He is the source of all healing, whether it comes by natural or supernatural means. Around this time, I was privileged to observe several healings take place that resulted from the direct touch of God. Although I was skeptical at first, when I observed that the symptoms did not return to these persons’ lives, I began to understand the power that God has to heal. I realized that He greatly desires to bless His children with healthy bodies and longevity in life.

I grew to accept the truth that God heals today, both naturally and miraculously. And then I began to apply that truth in my medical practice. As I began to seek with my patients the pathway to healing God had designed just for them, I watched people’s lives change before my eyes.

More and more patients began to walk in health, released from their diseases and free to do what God had called them to do. God does not want any one of us to suffer needlessly under the curse of disease. It was never His intention for mankind to live under the oppression of sin and the consequences—such as illness—that sin brought into the world. But even after man’s fall, God, in His great compassion, made provision for the health of His people. His care for the people of Israel in the Old Testament foreshadows the healing provision He has made for us today. {eoa}

Reginald Cherry has practiced diagnostic and preventive medicine/alternative medicine for over 40 years. Frustrated with the limited number of people he could help, he was led to expand his outreach through ministry with weekly television, books, and other materials. He is the author of numerous books, including The Bible Cure and The Doctor and the Word. This is an excerpt of his new book, Hidden Bible Health Secrets.

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