Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

This Could Be the Most Important Factor in Your Weight-Loss Success

I woke up recently with a new thought regarding weight loss: The struggle is real … but it is also right.

This thought can help you a lot if you are struggling right now.

Let me explain.

On your weight loss journey, negative thinking may try to sabotage you.

Thoughts like, “This is too hard” “I’m just going to fail again” or “What’s the use? This extra weight is never coming off” threaten to overwhelm you.

But the devil is a liar.

You see, every transformation story involves struggle. Think about some of the most exciting movies you’ve ever seen.

Was there not a battle to overcome at the center of the story—either within the heroine herself, from an opposing force in her circumstances, or from another person?

The thrill was in seeing how the heroine would overcome the obstacles before her. Never was there any doubt that she would succeed.

After all, if everything were exactly the same at the end of the movie as it was at the beginning, then it wouldn’t be a very exciting movie, would it?

Change was inevitable.

So in your weight loss journey, your struggle is real. But don’t ever stop there because that is not the end. Remember that the struggle is a part of your transformation story.

It is right. If you are struggling, you are in a good place because it is how all of us learn.

James 1:2-4 is a reminder of the benefits of viewing your struggle in the right way:

My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith develops patience. Btu let patience perfect its work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

To endure the struggle in the meantime, see yourself as perfected and your goal complete. Take a few moments every day to close your eyes and see yourself as successful. Allow yourself to feel the pleasure of that accomplishment right now.

Not only is the struggle real and right, but it is also temporary. It will not last forever.

Your goal is to outlast your struggle, to remain standing. Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world!

When that negative voice tries to get you into self-pity or try to get you to quit in your weight loss journey, think “This isn’t right,” then speak truth to that voice with these powerful declarations, adapted from Scripture:

  • I am accepted in the Beloved (from Eph. 1:6)
  • I prosper and live in health even as my soul prospers (from 3 John 1:2)
  • For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall (2 Sam. 22:30).
  • I gird myself with strength, And I strengthen my arms (Prov. 31:17).
  • I shall still bear fruit in old age and I shall be fresh and flourishing (Ps. 92:14).

Your mindset is one of the most important factors that will determine your weight loss success. That is why Step No. 2 of the five steps of the Take Back Your Temple Program is “Renew your Mind.”

I often tell TBYT members that the mental work you do in the program is a lot harder than any physical work you will do.

When you really stop and pay attention to how much negative, self-defeating and fearful thoughts enter your mind throughout the day, it will horrify you.

However, once you get the keys to overcoming this struggle in the program, then you will have hope and courage. You will know exactly how to replace the enemy’s lies with God’s truth.

The changes you experience will excite you as your live out your own transformation story every day. {eoa}

Once 240 pounds and a size 22, Kimberly Taylor can testify of God’s healing power to end binge-eating. She is an author and the creator of the Christian weight-loss website Visit today for inspirational health and weight-loss tips.

This article originally appeared at

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