Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This Can Make Reaching Your Health Goals Much Easier

Working out with friends can help you get more motivated to achieve your health goals.

This week, CrossFit 925 (the gym my husband I own in San Antonio, Texas) wrapped up a women’s-only, “Tough Tigress Team Challenge.” (Awesome name, right?) Over the last six weeks, two teams took a health and fitness journey to sharpen their nutrition as well as achieve two individual goals inside the gym, from doing “boy push-ups” and unassisted pull-ups to running a quarter mile nonstop.

Each team completed two workouts the first week, and then repeated those same workouts again last week as we neared the end of the challenge. Whichever team improved the most (through Team Captain-led “homework” and a team-decided nutrition game plan) over the course of the Challenge will win! (The scores are being tallied up as we speak!)

I was blown away by the level of interest this challenge generated when the other team captain and I introduced the idea over two months ago. Our sign-up board immediately filled up with names, and the ladies couldn’t stop chatting about what their goals should be. Facebook groups were immediately formed for the purpose of posting inspiring quotes, healthy recipes, motivational photos and progress statuses.

I’ve received texts about whether Chick-fil-A bread is processed (answer: yes) and how awesome spelt bread has proven to be. This challenge was a team effort, and that we are stronger and more powerful together than we ever could be apart.

I bring this all up to you because what this “Tigress” experience taught me is just how important community really is. There’s a reason why God established the institution of families in the Garden of Eden.

There’s a reason why, in the book of Acts, the early followers of Christ were gathering together so often. There’s a reason why when two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus that He is with them. What’s the reason? It’s because we were created to make fellowship a daily practice, first with God, and then with our fellow man.

If you were to ask each participating “Tigress” if she wanted to hone her nutrition or chase specific goals prior to the Challenge, I can guarantee at least 99.9 percent of them would answer with a resounding “Yes!”

So why didn’t they start on their goals months ago? Why do any of us procrastinate and push our heart’s desires to the back burner? I think the answer, most of the time, is that goals are much harder to commit to and stick to when pursued alone. But the moment a friend or family member comes alongside us and proposes taking on a challenge together, be it purging a closet, painting a room, losing a dress size, or working out five days a week, we suddenly find the oomph we need to shake our dreams from their slumber and lift them up into the light of day.

Whatever the Lord has instilled in you to accomplish, He doesn’t intend for you to labor for it alone. On the contrary, He has provided each of us with an incredible support system to encourage us and cheer us on to victory, starting with Him.

Today, I encourage you to reach out to your Maker, the ultimate Creator and Conqueror of passions and dreams, and ask Him to bring into your life just the right people to help you with a challenge you know it’s time to take on. Then, before your eyes close upon your pillow tonight, thank Him for the answers He’s sending your way, from the glorious throne of heaven to your humble path on earth. When morning comes, make up your mind to live expectantly, live joyfully and fearlessly, for your Father has plans only to prosper you as you trust and grow in Him.

In my latest book, Immeasurable: Diving into the Depths of God’s Love, I share my own journey of faith as God took me by the hand and gently led me through valleys of hardship and darkness, doubt and despair. I testify firsthand about His unwavering goodness and faithfulness in showing me how very much He cares for our God-given dreams and aspirations.

The Lord has no favorites. He desires each and every one of us His children to have life “in abundance.” Today, I am praying that you will receive a fresh revelation of God’s love for you, and that this little letter will somehow speak to your heart and soul and refresh your desire to chase your goals with relentless fervor and faith in your King.

Stay fit, stay faithful.

Diana Anderson-Tyler is the author of Creation House’s Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness, Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness, and her latest book, Immeasurable: Diving Into the Depths of God’s Love.  Her popular website can be found at dianafit.comand she is the owner and a coach at CrossFit 925. Diana can be reached on Twitter.

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