Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Metabolism Boosters: Not Magic Diet Pills

Metabolism boosters are NOT a magic diet pill.

With so many millions of Americans overweight, there has been no shortage of those peddling their wares on a hopeful and trusting public.

The aim of this writing is to equip and encourage you to seek the truth and not fall prey to those who wish to profit from your personal struggles. You will learn about one of the most common series of ingredients, those referred to as thermogenics. In addition, a filter is provided for you to easily check the credibility of any diet program.

Currently, 65 percent of all Americans are overweight or obese. Whenever there exists such a huge marketplace, you will always find those trying to make a dollar; and that they have. This year alone, according to Marketdata Enterprises, Inc., a Tampa-based research firm, sales of weight-loss products will hit $34.6 billion. (Yes, that is a “B” as in billions.)

One of the most popular methods employed by manufacturers is the use of thermogenics. These are more commonly seen on labels with names like Ephedra, Ephedrine, guarana, Ma huang, caffeine, and Kola nut, to name a few. These products claim to help you shed the pounds by boosting your metabolism.

What does it really mean when they say your metabolism is being boosted?

To put it simply, your metabolism is your body working to maintain cellular activity, respiration, and circulation. The harder your body has to work, the more calories it consumes. So the idea goes that the more calories your body consumes from these ingredients, the more weight you lose. Sounds good in theory, but let’s use an analogy to put things into perspective.

My car has a full tank of gas. I want to “burn” what is in the tank so I can start using all the stored canisters full of gasoline in my garage. However, I don’t really feel like driving to use the gas, so I put the car in neutral and keep my foot on the pedal. As the engine works harder and harder, guess what? I’m burning more gasoline.

Now, back to your body. You want to lose some extra stored energy called body fat, so you take some “all natural” supplements that promise to increase your metabolism and melt away the fat. These stimulants enter your body and increase your heart rate. That means your heart is beating faster and faster, and as a consequence your body consumes more calories. So, yes, you will burn a few more calories, but nothing that substantial.

However, when you couple that with the decreased appetite so that you’re eating less food, as well as taking these pills consistently, you can eventually see a reduction in your weight—that doesn’t mean its body fat, per se. Mostly you are losing water weight and lean tissue with some fat mixed in. Your body can typically metabolize only 1.5-2 pounds of fat a week, maybe a little more in extreme cases of obesity. 
These products can also have some serious side effects. Look at the FDA’s statement on Ephedrine:

“Since 1994, the agency has received and investigated more than 800 reports of adverse events associated with the use of these products.” (Most go unreported.) “Reported adverse events range from episodes of high blood pressure, irregularities in heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, tremors and headaches, to seizures, heart attacks, strokes and death. Most events occurred in young to middle aged, otherwise healthy adults using the products for weight control and increased energy.”

If you only remember one thing, let it be this: If something … anything … really worked, do you think for one moment, it would be on some infomercial at 2 a.m. or in a cart at the mall? No. Every major pharmaceutical giant would be trying to buy and market it to the rest of the world for a lot more than $19.95. Not to mention our obesity rates would plummet, which is the opposite of what is happening today.

Are we to believe that people don’t want to take pills? If the pills work, then why are people still overweight and obese?

Also, don’t put your trust in the before and after picture ads. I’ve talked to some of the models myself. Many were already in shape, then after a pregnancy, accident, or just time off not exercising and eating right, they take a picture. Then they go back to what they do, and with good genes and hard work get the pictures you see in the commercials. And, yes, the photos are touched up—this from the models themselves.

Some of the photos are from average people, but they don’t give you the full story. They don’t tell you that in addition to taking “Miracle Fat Melter 747,” they began to exercise for the first time in their life and dramatically changed their eating habits. You are left to believe that this little pill does all the work.

Save your money.

For the original article, visit

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