Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How One Year of Focused Effort Trumped 3 Decades of Horrible Health

Once you live through something, you can speak with more confidence concerning it. I have just successfully restored my intestines. Gluten, sugar and low HCL in my stomach allowed for a bacterial overgrowth in my intestines, which then allowed for a candida overgrowth, which then caused a leaky gut, which then caused a recurring skin rash. All have been resolved now, without drugs. Praise God!

I have written about improving digestion and restoring a leaky gut. Since all disease begins in the gut, there is no way you can give too much attention to resolving your gut issues. I have lived with poor digestion for 35 years, because I did not focus long enough on it to understand it and resolve it. Very unfortunate.

I have been astounded at how long it has taken me to understand digestion and fix it, along with the resulting overgrowth of intestinal bacteria, candida, leaky gut and then a resulting skin rash. It has taken a year of focused effort, but it obviously is worth it. So take a year if necessary and wrestle with any gut issues you may have, and don’t stop until they are resolved, naturally and without drugs, as drugs often create even more problems.

Summary of the Key Things I Do

To maintain proper intestinal flora, I take two to three probiotics in the morning on an empty stomach.

To Experience Good Digestion

With a snack or meal, I consume the following. The amount is based on 1) how big the meal is and 2) how much liquid I am going to drink with the meal.

  • Digestive enzymes (1-3) On sale 50 percent off during December, and every two or three months.
  • HCL (1-3)
  • Beano (1-3) Available in your grocery store.
  • Lactaid (1-2, any time I consume dairy) Available in your grocery store.

To Maintain a Healthy Colon

Since I continue to consume a bit of bread and sugar, and these both feed the issues, my counter-attack is to continue to take two tablespoons of aloe mixed with two tablespoons of colloidal silver once a day. Colloidal silver kills bacteria, and aloe carries the colloidal silver all the way to the colon so it is effective there, plus aloe heals the colon wall.

I also take two SF722 capsules once or twice a day (kills fungus and bacteria in the gut), and this Candida Cleanse daily (kills Candida). (Incidentally the SF722 can be applied topically on a rash being caused by a fungus or bacteria within, as can Tea Tree Oil or coconut oil, which in this article is shown to fight yeast infections. Coconut oil can be taken by the spoonful internally or added to coffee and consumed. Explore coconut oil’s amazing health benefits.)

Afternoon Energy Drink

At 3:00 PM when I am looking for a pick-me-up, I mix a scoop of each of the following into about 8 oz. of water:

And if you want to add other things, by all means, go ahead. We do: TurmericFulvic ionic mineralsB-12Cellyte.

Anxiety and Stress Stored Within My Cells

This was healed by Clearing Cellular Memories—A Prayer Workshop for Healing Emotional Roots to Diseases, and it resulted in improved sleep and health.

Thankfully, I have not needed a doctor’s appointment for the last 25 years of my life. Thank You, Lord! {eoa}

Mark Virkler, Ph.D., has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University (, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 30-plus years on six continents. The message has been translated into over 40 languages, and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.

This article originally appeared at

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