Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Go the Extra Mile and Experience Full Healing

Here's why we must stay tuned to the Holy Spirit to bring about our emotional healing.

Apply the healing process from Friday’s post to the various stages of your life:

In the womb, ages 1-5, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, marriage, after marriage. Ask: “Holy Spirit, reveal traumas from my life during (state each specific period).” Jot down one-line titles for each scene which lights upon your mind. For me, this resulted in a list of another 21 traumatic events. 

No thinking allowed. You are to stay tuned to the flow of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39), allowing HIM to reveal what needs healing rather than digging around using self-effort (John 6:63).

Process your list of events by applying the prayer worksheet which covers steps 4-8 to each event. I processed two scenes per day during my daily devotional time, covering all 21 traumas in 11 days.

How about a second opinion? The day after completing praying through the 32 traumas (11 from my first list and 21 from the second list) which my journaling had said had been producing stress on my adrenal gland, I had the opportunity to experience a Spectravision Body Scan from Rocky Steinert, a Doctor of Nutrition, who was attending my weekend seminar on Hearing God’s Voice, and the computerized results said adrenal stress was down below any critical stage! By the way, Rocky can provide this service to you from a distance as the scanner can read your body’s condition from a picture you send him.

Confirmation: I checked back with Kurt Green, and his forms of guidance told him that 90 percent of my adrenal stress was gone, and the remaining stress was a few memories still stuck in my cells.

So I checked with God and removed two more traumas and deepened one which I had prayed through earlier and hadn’t stuck (I needed to look more steadfastly at the Scriptures and revelation which declared God’s perspective, so I fully FELT God’s emotions for the situation — this then produced full healing of that partially healed trauma). The healing I needed to deepen was when God told me He had allowed me to get caught by a policeman in my youth doing something I shouldn’t have been doing.

God said He was the one who brings calamity (Is. 45:7)! Well, I kind of accepted that but did not FEEL it emotionally. So to deepen it, I went back to Isaiah 45 and read and meditated on the entire chapter, picturing it and praying over it and FEELING it. Download my meditation on Is. 45 here.

How to deepen a revelation: Fully gain God’s perspective by meditating on relevant Scriptures, asking God to explain them so your heart burns with revelation (Luke 24:32). If you don’t clearly see God’s perspective, which results in fully feeling His emotions (i.e. emotions are by-products of pictures), the hurt is not yet fully healed.

Emotion provides the stimulus for action. You need a significant emotional impetus to move you to the action of interrupting your current 65,000 thousand thoughts a day, of which 90 percent are automatic, and intersecting them with God’s new thought processes which you hear, see, feel and speak. If this does not happen, you will not be healed!

Emotions can be created by pictures God gives you in your nighttime dreams so pay attention to your dreams, journal them out and receive God’s guidance and empowerment through them. Your body and brain don’t know if you’re experiencing something in waking life or dream life; it reacts to both experiences the same way (e.g., your heart races if you have a scary dream). And if you hold a picture in your imagination of God’s completed promise to you, as I’m sure the father of faith did (Gen. 15:5,6 — thousands of stars representing thousands of descendants), that picture, too, can create the emotional stimulus to move you to action. 

Ongoing revelation: I would go to sleep asking God to reveal any additional scenes which left trauma in my body. I would awaken each morning with one or two more, so the process continued until finally I awoke with no more scenes on my mind.

Healed!: This healing of my adrenal gland allowed me to begin sleeping eight hours every night, rather than six or seven, something I knew was healthy but not been able to do for MANY years. And YES, the skin irritation completely disappeared over the three weeks it took me to process these 35 traumas.

The rest of the story: During these three weeks I doubled my daily nutrition, and took Milk Thistle (to strengthen my liver), and added a few additional items my naturopath had recommended. I was truly ready to resolve this issue and do whatever was necessary.

5 Takeaways

1. I am committed to wholeness. Living in His presence which releases within me His love: I will take whatever time and effort is necessary to apply His healing presence to all emotional trauma as these produce 90 percent of all sickness. I am emotionally healed when I manifest the fruit (singular) of the indwelling Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). This fruit is a REAL emotion from God’s heart which we receive whenever we are in His presence (i.e. “abiding in Christ”). It is compassionate love, which heals our entire beings. It has nine expressions:


  • Joy is love rejoicing
  • Peace is love resting
  • Patience is love enduring
  • Kindness is love caring
  • Goodness is love motivating
  • Faithfulness (faith) is love trusting
  • Gentleness is love esteeming others (see Phil. 1:3)
  • Self-control is love restraining (power under control)

2. I will use repetition to deepen the healing: I will review my journaling, asking God to deepen and expand what He has shown me. Since “tapping” is specifically designed to release trapped emotions, I may do some tapping as I repeat the traumatic scenes a second time.

3. I will gaze only upon pictures of the GIFTS God has produced in my life through these traumas: Pictures are the language of the heart and the railroad tracks my life runs on.

4. I will confess “I am healed”: I will speak life over myself. “My body is healed and functioning normally, in Jesus’ name.”

5. I will restructure my thought processes: I will pull down strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4,5 – demonic, unbiblical thought processes) in my mind, and replace them with biblical thought processes that I arrive at by conducting Bible meditations on topics which are relevant to maintaining my new position of health. For example, to remove fear, I will look up verses on the opposite of fear, which is faith.

Mark Virkler is founder and president of Christian Leadership University and co-founder of Communion With God Ministries. The co-author of more than 50 books with his wife, Patti, Mark has received a Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and a Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University.

For the original article, visit

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