Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Finding Freedom From Emotional Eating

half eaten cake

Take Back Your Temple Facebook group member posted recently that she was having a problem with emotional eating out of anger. Whenever she reacted to her emotions this way, she said she found it hard to go to God afterward. Here is the message I wrote back to her. I pray it helps anyone else who is dealing with this issue. It begins with a prayer for discernment:

God, Your Word warns me that the devil constantly roars about, seeking whom he may devour. I ask that You give me discernment so that I can quickly see the snares he has laid to trap me and give me the ability to avoid each one. I will be alert and vigilant, as You have instructed. If I happen to fall into affliction, I will cry out to You immediately, and so I know You will deliver me swiftly. Thank You for Your deliverance and Your great love for me. Amen.

One thing that needs to be clear in your mind is that you want to be delivered from this. I know when I was struggling with emotional eating, I had a vision of myself in darkness but Jesus reaching out to me in beauty and strength. But voices were whispering to me that it was safer to stay in the darkness even though I was miserable there.

But I decided to humble myself and admit to God that I couldn’t do this alone. I needed help. And He helped me. One day at a time, one choice at a time. That’s how I had to walk this thing out: one choice at a time. Instead of doing things like I always did them, I told myself, “How can I do just a little bit better right now?” Perhaps it was only eating a couple of slices of cake rather than the whole cake. (Yes, I used to eat an entire cake by myself in a single sitting—that’s how bad it was.)

Eventually, keep practicing the “just a little bit better” principle with every choice. Before I knew it, those small steps became big results.

Here is an action step I suggest, and it is one that I’ve recommended many times because it works: Get a piece of paper and a pen and start writing a letter to God. Nobody needs to see this but you. But write the truth. Write down all the things you are angry about, and even write about the people with whom you are angry. If it is in your heart, then get it out on paper. Leave nothing that is in your heart unwritten. You want all of your thoughts in black and white, in your own handwriting.

Doing this brings mental clarity. You may cry a lot as you are writing. I did. Once you empty yourself, then ask God in prayer to come in and fill up every empty space. Ask Him to help any areas of unbelief. He will do it—one day at a time, one choice at a time.

I know you want to be delivered from this yesterday! But it is a day-by-day process, as you need to be cleansed of old ways of thinking and acting and assume your new role as the beloved daughter of God. But you’ll make it if you stay in the fight.

Kimberly Taylor is the author of The Weight Loss Scriptures and many other books. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power. Visit takebackyourtemple.comand receive more free health and weight-loss tips. This article was originally posted on her blog.

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