Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Conquering Addiction—Stop Playing on Temptation’s Turf!

Temptation lives in a certain location in your life. Where does temptation live for you? Do you visit there often—or even live with it?

I’m asking this question because I went to where temptation lives in my life yesterday. I did not have the best eating day.

My husband, Mike, and I had some business to take care of at the mall. Lots of food temptations at the mall.

I had already decided that I wanted to have lunch at the food court. I had also planned to go to my favorite place in which they prepare your stir-fry on the griddle in front of you. So my plan was to have chicken teriyaki with double vegetables.

But things did not go as I planned.

The first source of temptation was a young lady selling popcorn at a kiosk. She was giving samples of super cheesy popcorn and caramel corn. She told us that she was just starting her business, and would we please support her?

Of course, I wanted to support a young lady in her business (I told myself), so I bought a bag of her super cheesy popcorn.

Then, after we took care of our business, we went to the food court. But instead of going to the stir fry place, Mike wanted to go to an Italian eatery. He chose to get the stromboli, which came with a side of baked ziti.

Of course, I wanted to save money (I told myself), so I decided to eat Mike’s side of baked ziti.

Now was there anything inherently wrong with those two things?

Not at all.

However, I did have to lighten up my eating for the rest of the day so that I could still stay on track, which made things harder for me when evening came.

As tasty as that food was, both of those choices packed a big calorie load in a small volume. Because it made my evening more challenging food-wise, it wasn’t worth it to me.

That is why I am glad I do not live at the mall! Temptation does not live at my house, which is where I spend most of my time.

We go to the mall about two or three times a year. The next time I go, I will eat an apple beforehand so I’m less tempted by food samples, plus make it more likely that I’ll stick with the plan I had.

1 Corinthians 10:13 gives us a great promise about temptation:

No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, and He will not permit you to be tempted above what you can endure, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

I learned my lesson from yesterday and am moving on. I am not beating myself up about it because this story is just another day in my life.

What about you? Where does temptation live in your life?

  • At your house
  • At your job
  • At your church
  • Visiting family
  • At the mall

Once you identify where temptation lives for you, the next step is to ask yourself: “Do I have the power to change the environment?”

If temptation lives at your house, then you’ve got a huge problem because that is where you live!

Granted, we all have to eat to survive, but what you choose to eat is up to you most of the time. The easiest way to deal with temptation is to change your environment to lessen your exposure.

What if someone else is making poor food selections for you? Then, you have power to talk with them about the issue. They may be willing to change the environment so you aren’t as tempted.

If you do not have the power to change the environment, then you do have power to change your response to the environment.

While that is more challenging than simply changing the environment, it can be done. It may take time until you find an approach that works for you, but it can be done.

As you saw in the Scripture, the Lord promises to make a way to escape temptation. Ask for His wisdom, and He will show you the way to win over temptation. {eoa}

Once 240 pounds and a size 22, Kimberly Taylor can testify to God’s healing power to end binge-eating. She is an author and the creator of the Christian weight-loss website Visit today for inspirational health and weight-loss tips.

This article originally appeared at

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