Living Life From the Inside Out

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Valerie G. Lowe

Have you ever looked at or spoken with a person and then walked away wondering what the person is really like at home–when they are not in the public eye? There are some obvious things you can learn about other people simply by the way they dress or style their hair, but all that is superficial and can easily change.

So what you see in a person is not always what you get.

I asked that question because now more than ever before it seems the world needs authenticity, the real thing, not a façade similar to what you would see in a Hollywood movie. Those structures appear perfect on the outside but behind the scenes, there’s nothing there but stilts.

God wants us to do His bidding in the earth, but He’s looking for women whose lives are marked by character and integrity and governed by the Holy Spirit. I know it sounds like a tall order, but the Father gives us His Spirit—who is our Helper, Counselor and Comforter—for a reason. It is He who enables us to live the Christian life in this present world.

For instance, I have a friend who said the Lord recently told her not to tell a lie. She got up from prayer confused because she considers herself an honest person. But she said it wasn’t long before the Holy Spirit began to deal with her, convicting her heart every time she would “stretch the truth” or tell “a little white lie.” It didn’t take any time for her to recognize what God saw in her.

The Bible says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24, NKJV).

At times, it can be difficult to live an authentic, transparent life, especially when you consider all the temptations and challenges you have to face in this world. But aren’t you grateful to God that He cares so much about us that He requires us to live our lives from the inside out? This way others can see Him in us, and we in turn have genuine fellowship and a relationship with Him.


Valerie G. Lowe is the editor of and associate editor of Charisma magazine. She is the founder of Keep the Faith Single Moms Ministry.

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