Fri. Sep 6th, 2024
(Facebook/Jonathan Cahn)

Is There a Secret in the Bible that Reveals What’s Happening in Our World Right Now?

Is there is more to this world than meets the eye? Is there another realm that’s transforming our lives at this very moment—an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world … and what is yet to come?

Are we all players in a mystery that began long before we were born, that has spanned the ages and has, in modern times, threatened the future of our planet?

Jonathan Cahn answers these stunning questions and more in his latest blockbuster bestseller “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days” released Tuesday of this week, Sept. 3, by Charisma Media.

The book will unveil the dangerous forces existent from ancient times and now moving and determining world events. “The Dragon’s Prophecy” will reveal the stunning mysteries of the Dark Resurrection; the Return of the Sea Peoples; the Revenge of the 3,000; the Black Sabbath; the Secret on the Mount; the Beast and much more.

Another Mystery Now to Be Opened

Amazingly, Cahn was working on a different book—the sequel to “The Return of the Gods”—when current events demanded that he switch subjects.

NEW RELEASE! Jonathan Cahn’s latest jaw-dropping book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” Find it at

“This was not the book I had planned to write,” says Cahn. “But what happened across the world would combine with a strong leading in my spirit that the book I was about to write was for a future time. The Lord interrupted me and led me instead to write ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy.’ Another mystery was now to be opened.”

Cahn says this book is different from any other book he has ever written. “I’ve never written a book before that opens up the realm of end-time prophecy and even how there are actual developments and currents in world events that are connected to the book of Revelation,” he says. “I’ve never written a book about the prophecies of Ezekiel or about the Beast.”

But “The Dragon’s Prophecy” uncovers all that and more.

This book was also different in that amazing things kept happening as Cahn undertook writing it—current events kept unfolding so quickly that he could barely keep up. “This is the only book where, as I was writing it, I had to keep rewriting it to update it,” he says, “because what I was writing kept coming true.”

Attack on Israel Foretold

One of the mysteries in the book foretold the invasion of Israel with chilling precision.

“This mystery actually foretold the attack down to the exact time it happened,” says Cahn. “It was on the evening of Oct. 6, that I was led to speak of this mystery from the Bible at Beth Israel, the worship center I lead in Wayne, New Jersey.

“The mystery ordained that there would be an attack on Israel—that it would catch Israel by surprise, that it would happen on the Sabbath and on a Hebrew holiday—it would take place on the first Saturday in October 2023.  The very next morning was Oct. 7—it was then that it came true. That’s how specific and precise this is.  It’s one of the mysteries in ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’ that may enable us to know events that are yet to happen and when!”

The Dragon

Cahn reveals that a dangerous force from ancient times is behind these calamitous events, and it’s operating in the world today.

“The Bible speaks about an angelic being that turned against God,” he says. “In Hebrew it’s called Hassatan; that’s where we get the word ‘Satan’ from. It refers to the entity that exists to oppose the purposes of God.

“At the same time, God created another entity, a nation, a people, created to fulfill the purposes of God— the Jewish people—Israel. They exist to bear witness of God and fulfill His purposes, to bring God into the world, to bring His Word into the world, to bring Messiah into the world and to bring the kingdom into the world that’s yet to come.”

A Supernatural Ancient War

So what happens when the one who is against the purposes of God comes in contact with those who exist to fulfill the purposes of God? “You’re going to have a war,” says Cahn. “If you want to understand what’s happened with Jewish history—and even what’s happened in the last year—you need to understand that it’s part of an ancient war. There is a real force.

“You cannot explain the war against the Jewish people, and what we’ve just seen in the world, by any natural means,” he adds. “This is supernatural. It goes back to this angelic being, Satan, and that’s why it never ends. Because the enemy doesn’t die.

“So it’s no accident that the most opposed, hated, persecuted people in the world are the Jewish people,” Cahn explains. “It has to be that way, because there is something satanic warring against them. Not only do the Jewish people bear witness of God, but they bear witness of the enemy too, because of what we have been through.

“There’s an ancient and cosmic war taking place on earth, on the stage of human history and before our eyes,” he says. “It’s been going on for 4,000 years. We have just in this last year seen the eruption of it, but it’s the same war—it’s part of an ancient mystery.”

You Can Overcome!

In “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” Cahn also reveals the dragon’s strategies against every Christian and what we need to know to overcome him—how the dragon wages war against each of us and what are the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming.

“This is the secret of the end times, and there are ancient mysteries behind it all,” says Cahn. “The Bible speaks of the dragon as the enemy, and the enemy is against whatever is of God. That’s not only in the world, it’s not only in Israel, it’s not only with the church, but it’s in each of our lives. There is actually a war against each of us, and this book opens up the strategies to overcome the dragon in your own life.

“It was for that reason that I wrote ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy,’ to remove the veil behind what is happening our world—to expose the spiritual realm, the forces, the entities, the mystery, and to enable the reader to know the strategies of the Dragon, not only against Israel and the church, but against every person born in the image of God.  In the end times, this war will only intensify.  So the book is not only to reveal but to enable and arm the believer to stand, to prevail and to overcome the Dragon!”

Jonathan Cahn is known as a prophetic voice to our times. He leads Hope of the World ministry and Beth Israel/the Jerusalem Center, his ministry base and worship center in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much-sought-after speaker and appears throughout America and the world. For more information go to

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