In their travels around the world, Craig Gross, founder of Fire Proof Ministries and XXX Church, along with Jason Harper, founder of The Extra Mile, have witnessed people who many would consider the worst of society: the prostitute, the porn star, the thief, the religious, the forgotten and the gluttons. In Jesus Loves You, This I Know, the two join forces to share their eye-opening stories about who Jesus loves.
Gross and Harper relay their encounters with those often considered unlovable and in the process reveal what they have learned about the far-reaching love of Christ. They also discover the after-effects of judgments believers place on societal outcasts, which contribute to their feelings of hopelessness and disconnection.
Jesus Loves You, This I Know is a humbling yet encouraging reminder that no one in this life is free of sin, and that Jesus chose to commune with broken people so they might inherit the kingdom of God.
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