Government Websites Go Down During State of the Union Address

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Abby Trivett

Are digital outages becoming part of the norm for 2024?

After seeing Meta social media platforms and LinkedIn go down earlier in the week, the latest sites to experience problems are none other than official government websites. The timing of these outages was impeccable, as the government sites went down during the State of the Union address.

The websites for the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency all went down. This comes just weeks after a nationwide phone service outage through network providers like AT&T.

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There was not a known cause for why the sites went down, with a Department of Homeland Security official stating that there was “no indication of malicious action” in the occurrence.

This website outage happened as President Biden gave his remarks to the nation which included many remarks aimed at former president Donald Trump.

“My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about January 6,” Biden said. “I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies. Here’s the simple truth; you can’t love your country only when you win.”

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The president also touched on the death of Laken Riley during the speech, after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene prompted him to do so.

While both those who liked and disliked Biden’s address had much to say, the true question isn’t what was happening on stage, but rather, why this next round of digital platforms went down at that particular time.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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