Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Ruth Bell Graham: A Life Well Lived


Ruth Bell Graham, wife of Billy Graham, was born at
Qingjiang, Kiangsu, China, on June 10, 1920. She went to be with the
Lord on June 14, 2007, at the age of 87. We look back at her life and
legacy on what would have been her 91st birthday.

who knew Ruth Bell Graham knew that she loved Jesus and she loved
people. In her writing, speaking and simple acts of kindness—to
neighbors, friends and anyone who needed a lift—she demonstrated the
grace and mercy of the Savior she first met when she was a little girl
in China.

At Home in China
Christians, Ruth once said, were a part of her heritage. Her parents,
Dr. Nelson and Virginia Bell, were medical missionaries at Love and
Mercy Hospital in Tsingkiangpu, China, in the difficult years from 1916
until World War II began.

China had been in upheaval for
centuries. A 1911 revolution overthrew a regime that had held power
since 1644. Foreign countries had exploited the nation in the 1800s,
and as a result, the Chinese people resented all foreigners, calling
them “foreign devils.” Warlords, bandits, the Japanese, the Communists
and the Nationalists fought one another frequently, and sometimes these
conflicts became wars against foreigners—with no distinction made for
missionaries. Often, non-Chinese were urged to flee to avoid kidnapping
and death, and afterward they returned to looted homes.

In spite
of this environment, laughter and songs rang out from the Bell home on
the hospital grounds. Ruth, the second-oldest child, was born June 10,
1920. She and her siblings, Rosa, Virginia and Clayton, learned the
basics of Christian faith early through their parents’ example of daily
prayer and Bible study, in addition to family prayers before breakfast
each morning. Ruth could not remember a morning that her father was not
reading his Bible or kneeling in prayer when she got up.

Bells demonstrated to their children a great love for Jesus Christ and a
dedication to the medical and evangelistic work of the hospital. Ruth
recalled that her mother “built a house, had three children, buried one,
had two more, taught her children at home through fifth grade, ran the
women’s clinic, always had a missionary or two in the home, …
entertained well and often, and wrote home faithfully.”

Dr. Bell
kept a busy schedule too, as surgical chief and administrative
superintendent at the hospital. Although the hospital had a pastor on
staff, Bell made the healing of souls a priority in his work, gently
explaining the gospel to his patients. This atmosphere of love for
Jesus, for family and for the Chinese people, helped shape the woman
that Ruth Bell Graham would become.

The Bell children grew up
hearing stories of martyrdom and sacrifice among missionaries and
Chinese believers. These testimonies affected Ruth deeply, and Rosa
often heard her little sister praying that she would die as a martyr for
Christ before the year ended. Rosa, the more practical of the two,
thought the prayer dreadful and followed with one of her own: “Lord,
don’t pay any attention to her!”

Despite her tendency to be
dramatic, Ruth became best known for her tender heart. She had a
menagerie of pets, including baby ducks and chicks, and even took some
to bed with her at times. Every dead animal, pet or not, had to be given
a funeral. This childhood tenderness toward the defenseless provided a
glimpse of how she would later react to the spiritually lost and
helpless around her.

Leaving Home
A seeming
injustice struck Ruth at 13. So that she would have the education she
needed to return to the United States one day, her parents sent her to
Pyeng Yang Foreign School in what is now Pyongyang, North Korea.
Quietly, so as not to disturb her roommates, Ruth cried with
homesickness every night for weeks.

Several days in the infirmary
finally brought some comfort when, during a brief illness, she read all
150 psalms. It was the beginning of what she later called her boot camp.
God used homesickness to teach her to find solace in His presence
during what would be a lifetime of separations from loved ones.

Aug. 13, 1937, Shanghai, the capital of China, fell to the Japanese.
Having finished high school, Ruth was back in Tsingkiangpu to get ready
for college. But her September trip to Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill.,
was delayed when the Japanese mined the Yangtze River and destroyed the
Nanking-Shanghai railway.

The missionaries were urged to go
north to Haichow, where a United States Navy destroyer would take them
to the port city of Tsingtao. Reluctantly, they made the difficult
journey by canal and train. Dr. Bell arranged passage for Ruth on a
United States troopship that was evacuating military families.

On Oct.
22, Ruth said goodbye to her family and left China. Although her family
would remain in China until 1941, it would be decades before Ruth
returned to the land of her birth.

First Impressions
arrived safely at Wheaton and studied Bible and art. After growing up
with air raids and bandits, she did not fully appreciate seemingly
unnecessary rules such as curfew—until the dorm mother caught her
climbing through a window, returning late from a Friday night date. On
Monday, the dean scolded her harshly and confined her to campus.
Crushed, Ruth worried that she had disgraced her parents, but the
faculty soon realized that the infraction stemmed from naiveté and
lifted her sentence.

Ruth soon settled in, made friends and
became popular with the boys. She did not attach herself to anyone in
particular—until her second year, when a new student named Billy Graham
flew past her on the stairs of East Blanchard Hall.

“He’s surely
in a hurry,” she thought. She’d heard about this new student and his
fiery preaching. That Sunday morning, she heard him praying during a
prayer meeting.

“There is a man who knows to Whom he is speaking,” she thought.

had heard about Ruth too. His friend Johnny Streater had described her
as one of the prettiest and most spiritual girls on campus. When Billy
finally saw her, it was love at first sight.

After watching her from afar for a few weeks, Billy gathered his courage and asked Ruth to attend a performance of Handel’s Messiah.
She accepted, and after the date she went back to her room and prayed,
“Lord, if You’d let me serve You with that man, I’d consider it the
greatest privilege of my life.”

Billy and Ruth continued dating
and began talking about marriage, but one issue stood in the way: For
years, Ruth had felt that God was calling her to be a missionary in
Tibet. While Billy wasn’t opposed to becoming a missionary, he felt a
strong calling to preach the Gospel as an evangelist. Ruth tried
persuading him otherwise, but it caused more tension. Eventually, they
took time apart to pray about the matter.

As Ruth told the story
in her book It’s My Turn, it was obvious that she was the one trying
to give Billy a calling to Tibet—not God. Finally Billy turned to her
and said, “Do you believe that God has brought us together?”

She did.

that case,” he replied, “God will lead me and you will do the
following.” That pivotal conversation settled the issue, although Ruth
believed strongly in the old saying, “When two people agree on
everything, one of them is unnecessary.”

The following summer, while
Billy was preaching at a church in Florida, he received a thick letter
from Ruth, postmarked July 6, 1941. “I’ll marry you,” the first sentence
read. An ecstatic Billy preached that evening, although afterward he
didn’t know what he’d preached about. The pastor said he wasn’t sure
anyone else knew, either. Billy and Ruth were married Aug. 13, 1943.

later years, Ruth had no regrets about letting go of Tibet to marry
Billy Graham. She would have been in Tibet no more than four years
before the political situation would have forced her to leave. And of
that time, Ruth later wrote: “I would have missed the opportunity of a
lifetime of serving God with the finest man I knew, having five terrific
children, and 15 [now 19] of the most delightful, interesting and
lovable grandchildren imaginable. All this plus an unusual, if not
easy, life.” God used her desire to go to Tibet to test her willingness
to obey Him.

In January 1943,
Billy accepted a call to pastor Western Springs Baptist Church, about 20
miles outside of Wheaton. He didn’t ask his bride-to-be what she
thought of the idea, but Ruth didn’t let that stop her from telling him.
Pastoring a church, she believed, would sidetrack him from his call to
evangelism. It was a lesson that Billy would remember for years to come.
Later, under pressure to run for political office, he heeded her
advice: “When God calls you to be an evangelist, you don’t stoop to be

Billy was not accustomed to the strong-willed, and
often well-informed, opinions of the Bell women. “Bill was brought up in
a house where the women did not question the men,” Ruth recalled,
“while in the Bell house, that’s all we did.”

Anne Graham Lotz,
the Grahams’ second daughter, said: “My daddy didn’t have to seek my
mother’s advice to get it. I remember a time she [told] about him
fussing at her because he just didn’t want her opinion. He does not like
opinionated women, and he [had] a house full of them.

“It takes awhile
for a man who’s been living independently to take on his partner and
consult her. I think in some of those stories Daddy was just learning to
be a husband. … Today he would not only consult her opinion, he would
respect it and honor it and listen to her.”

This story was used with permission from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

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