Family & Relationships

  • Relationship Breakdown

    Relationship Breakdown

    There is nothing more painful than a relationship breakdown. Here’s how you can find healing and restoration when strife takes its toll. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I felt as if I were watching a train wreck in slow motion, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. A great

  • Relationship Breakdown

    Relationship Breakdown

    There is nothing more painful than a relationship breakdown. Here’s how you can find healing and restoration when strife takes its toll.It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I felt as if I were watching a train wreck in slow motion, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. A great friendship…

  • Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Month after month, one particular article on my website receives an unusually high number of hits: “Overcoming Sexual Temptation.” Many Christians, such as the reader quoted below, find sexual temptation a difficult struggle and walk in constant condemnation. “I have failed God many times in the area of sexual lust. I find myself thinking about

  • Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Resist Lust’s Temptation

    Month after month, one particular article on my Web site receives an unusually high number of hits: “Overcoming Sexual Temptation.” Many Christians, such as the reader quoted below, find sexual temptation a difficult struggle and walk in constant condemnation. “I have failed God many times in the area of sexual lust. I find myself thinking

  • Tips for Healing After an Affair

    Tips for Healing After an Affair

    Here are some steps to take to begin the process of healing from an affair:   1. Cease all contact with the person outside the marriage who was involved in the affair. 2. Express feelings related to the crisis. 3. Identify what made you vulnerable to an affair. 4. Figure out what the affair meant.

  • Wounds That Heal

    After nine years of what I thought was a solid Christian marriage, I was confronted with the first of my husband, Wayne’s, two adulterous affairs. Having been raised in a pastor’s home, I couldn’t comprehend why this was happening. I had confided in a fellow church member—a friend I trusted. Unfortunately, the story of my

  • To the Jew First

    On Pentecost, it was Jewish men and women who first received Jesus as their Messiah. Are you aware that your Christian faith was built on a Jewish foundation? Think about it: Jews wrote the entire revelation of Scripture—both Old and New Testaments—except perhaps for the books of Luke and Acts. The Old Testament prophets all

  • Is Marriage Still Sacred?

    Is Marriage Still Sacred?

    Many high-profile preachers are ending their marriages—at a time when the divorce rate among Christians is higher than ever. What’s behind this epidemic? Last August, within a single 48-hour period, breaking stories about two ministry couples lit up the news with headlines like these that appeared in newspapers, magazines and Internet reports across the country:

  • When a Marriage Grows Cold

    When a Marriage Grows Cold

    My book, Divorce Proofing Your Marriage, deals with 10 lies that lead to divorce and 10 truths that help prevent it. Judging by the numerous radio call-ins, emails and letters I’ve received with the question, “What do you do when a spouse tells you he no longer feels love for you,” Lie No. 5–“I’ve lost

  • Don’t Be Offended

    The devil uses unforgiveness as a primary tool to divide us. But there are ways you can keep your heart free from offense.

  • When Christians are Divided

    There is nothing more painful than a relationship breakdown. Here’s how you can find healing and restoration when strife takes its toll. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I felt as if I were watching a train wreck in slow motion, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. A great

  • Wired for Relationships

    We need deep associations with others, but often the challenges seem to outweigh the rewards. Here's how you can make healthy connections.Each of us lives out our lives through a series of relationships. From our parents, to childhood friends, to our first love, our major milestones are framed by memories of our relationships along the…

  • Bridgett and Me

    I was a long-awaited first child. My temperament was extremely compliant from day one. My sister, Bridgett, on the other hand, pushed every limit from the time she was an infant. And we have her grouchy-, swollen-faced childhood pictures to prove it. From the time she was in diapers, it didn't matter what my folks…

  • Friends With Benefits

    "Friends with benefits" flies in the face of the faith conviction that sex is reserved for marriage.

  • Are You Mad at Mom?

    Reconciling a mother-daughter relationship requires both parties' input.

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