Prophetic & Revival

  • Through a Glass Darkly

    Through a Glass Darkly

    For centuries Christians have held very different eschatological views. Here are the primary perspectives. As experts in eschatology (the theology of the end times) and Bible scholars have sought to decipher biblical prophecies through the centuries, they have raised a number of enigmatic questions. Poring over the Scriptures, they have found a variety of ways

  • Last Days Fever

    Last Days Fever

    Some Christians say the world is coming to an end. Others reject that fear. What can we know for sure about the end times? Journeying to the isolated state of Mizoram in northeastern India, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and his team offer food and medical care to 5,000 Bnei Menashe—a starving community believed to be descended

  • Why You Must Take Dominion Over Everything

    Why You Must Take Dominion Over Everything

    C. Peter Wagner explains why our focus should be on advancing, not escaping. I can still remember prophecy teachers who tacked rows of charts and diagrams on the church wall and explained spell-binding details of the past, present and future. I cut my spiritual teeth on the Scofield Bible and devoured Hal Lindsey’s The Late

  • The Fig Tree Is in Bloom

    The Fig Tree Is in Bloom

    What God has done through the modern creation of Israel in 1948 is nothing short of a miracle of Bible prophecy. Over the years I have accompanied thousands of people to the Holy Land. I am always thrilled to see people on these tours with their Bibles open, eagerly reading Old and New Testament passages

  • The Life of Jesus

    Isaiah 51:1-53:12 One would think it would be impossible to read all about the life of Jesus in the Old Testament. There are, however, many prophetic scriptures in the Old Testament about the life and death of Jesus. Our reading in Isaiah today has one of the most famous ones. I have a friend who…

  • The Circus Comes to Town

    The Circus Comes to Town

    The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution is the title of atheist Richard Dawkin’s latest book which released in the United States on Sept. 22. Coincidentally, that is the same release day as bestselling author Ray Comfort’s new book, Nothing Created Everything: the scientific impossibility of atheistic evolution. Comfort said, “I am amazed

  • Looking Forward to the Fall

    Isaiah 22:1-24:23 Summer is my least favorite season, so I always search for reasons I can be thankful for this time. I hate to sweat, and Georgia in the summer is no place someone who hates to sweat.

  • In That Day

    Isaiah 12:1-14:32 We are still in the days of awe. I hope you are praying for your Jewish friends during this holy season for them. Pray for that veil to be dropped over their eyes and for the eyes of their understanding to be opened. This passage in Isaiah speaks about a special day that…

  • The Rod and Stem

    Isaiah 10:1-11:16 We continue to think of the Jewish people during their High Holy Days. In Isaiah we see another prophetic scripture about their Messiah: "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest…

  • Awake: The Light Has Come

    Isaiah 8:1-9:21 As we continue to think of our Jewish brethren during these High Holy Days, we only have to wonder how they have missed seeing the Messiah clearly presented in their prophets, the psalms and even the Pentateuch. The only explanation is what Paul speaks clearly about in Romans. The Jewish people have a…

  • Not Thinking Too Deeply

    Not Thinking Too Deeply

    “You should stop using the criminal justice system as an analogy for your God. As you have pointed out many times, it is entirely unjust for someone else to pay the punishment for the crimes you are guilty of.” –Lurker As far as I know, you are the only one who has ever said to

  • A Most Common Mistake

    A Most Common Mistake

    “If the Bible is always right and never needs up dating, why is there a New Testament? Why don’t boys have to be circumcised now? Why can you eat pork? Why can you work on a Saturday? Why don’t you have to batter people’s skulls in with stones who worship ‘false gods’?” Andy Duchemin One

  • Out From the Rubble

    Out From the Rubble

    When the World Trade Center was attacked eight years ago, a young Indian-American escaped the collapsing concrete and steel. The words he prayed that day changed his life forever.The morning of Sept.11, 2001, was sunny and clear on the U.S. East Coast. Sujo John, an ambitious 26-year-old who had moved from Calcutta, India, to New…

  • Who’s the Real God?

    Who’s the Real God?

    How do you know God is of the Christian variety? Equally devout Muslims disagree. “Hi Ray, I have a sincere question: How do you know God is of the Christian variety? Equally devout Muslims disagree. If I’m on the fence, I need a better answer than ‘I just KNOW. God has revealed himself to me.'”

  • The Jew Seek a Sign

    1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 When we went to Russia to be intercessors for a music festival in St. Petersburg, we heard many testimonies of Jewish people. As they shared how their lives had been changed when they received Yeshua (Jesus), these testimonies all had a common theme. I do not recall hearing one testimony that did…

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