
  • Druids, Pagans Performed Some Pretty Eerie Rituals Yesterday

    Druids, Pagans Performed Some Pretty Eerie Rituals Yesterday

    Wrapped in jackets and blankets, thousands of people gathered at Britain’s Stonehenge for summer solstice, watching the sun rise over the Neolithic monument and welcoming the longest day of the year. Revelers of all ages, including druids and pagans performing rituals, clapped and cheered as the sun rose at 0352 GMT on Thursday over the

  • How Followers of the False Messiah Have Hijacked These Important Spiritual Times

    How Followers of the False Messiah Have Hijacked These Important Spiritual Times

    This week, on June 21, the summer begins on the summer solstice. Astronomically, the summer solstice is the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky over the northern hemisphere. It is also the longest day of the year. The opposite solstice, the winter solstice, is the day when the sun is

  • Korean Churches Witnessing a ‘Miracle’

    Korean Churches Witnessing a ‘Miracle’

    A lot has happened on the Korean peninsula in the last few weeks. South Korean president Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met for the first time; Kim took some serious steps toward denuclearization; and Kim and President Trump agreed to talk, but Trump abruptly canceled the historic meeting. On June 1, however,

  • Iranian Christians See Hope Stripped Away With Extreme Torture, Harassment on the Rise

    Iranian Christians See Hope Stripped Away With Extreme Torture, Harassment on the Rise

    There was hope among Iranian Christians that the mass protests earlier this year could effect change for them, but they continue to be harassed and imprisoned on spurious charges. An Iranian convert to Christianity, Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh, who recently lost his appeal against a 10-year sentence for “missionary activities”, was reportedly moved to the infamous Evin Prison in Tehran two weeks ago—the

  • Do These Stars Reveal What the Ancients Called the ‘Highway to Heaven’?

    Do These Stars Reveal What the Ancients Called the ‘Highway to Heaven’?

    Tonight, the Milky Way is high in the sky. The ancients called it the highway to heaven. The Milky Way is our name for the milky-looking bank of stars which form the spiral galaxy in which our solar system resides. The Milky Way completely encircles us, like the way of the sun in the zodiac

  • Michael Evans: Jesus, ISIS, and the End Times

    Michael Evans: Jesus, ISIS, and the End Times

    When the topic of Jesus and the end times is introduced, one would expect it to originate with evangelical Christians. It is, rather, coming from ISIS. The music emanating from the flute of the ISIS snake charmer is prophecy, the end times and Jesus.  The House of Islam, ISIS, has raised its black apocalyptic banner

  • The Lost Tribes of Israel: Lost No More

    The Lost Tribes of Israel: Lost No More

    It reads like a modern-day suspense movie screenplay. A mysterious tribe in a remote corner of the world makes an astonishing claim about its members’ historic identity. Ostracized by their neighbors, these lowly outcasts stubbornly insist they’re descended from the world’s most storied race of people—the Israelites. Skeptical investigators discover an ancient heritage of names,

  • Could This Be a Lost Tribe of Israel?

    Could This Be a Lost Tribe of Israel?

    The Bnei Menashe tribe may very well be one of the lost tribes of Israel who were scattered by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago.

  • ‘Jesus’ Was the Last Word of Egyptian Christians ISIS Beheaded

    ‘Jesus’ Was the Last Word of Egyptian Christians ISIS Beheaded

    When the Islamic State released video footage of the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in Libya early this week, one bishop noticed something astonishing.  “In the moment of their barbaric execution … The name of Jesus was the last word on their lips,” Bishop Antonios Aziz Mina of Giza says.  Pope Francis labeled the 21 ISIS victims as

  • Oscar Winner Calls Church of Scientology a ‘Cult’

    Oscar Winner Calls Church of Scientology a ‘Cult’

    Oscar winner Paul Haggis quit the Church of Scientology after 34 years because he was ashamed of becoming part of an organization he now considers a cult. The Crash writer/director has become the most famous and one of the most vocal former Scientologists, and on Thursday night he opened up about his time with the

  • Catholic Renewal Revisited

    Much has changed since the Catholic charismatic renewal exploded in the 1960s. View a 10-minute overview of this movement below.

  • Live Chat With Samuel Rodriguez

    {audio source_mp3=”″ source_ogg=”” title=”Conference Call with Samuel Rodriguez”} Are you confused by the many arguments surrounding America’s immigration debate? Then listen to this podcast with Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, one of the nation’s leading voices on the issue. 

  • Alleged son of Anton LaVey fails to prove identity

    The evangelist claims he is a son of the late satanist

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