Zach Drew

  • Is the Latest Brain Microchip Tech a Demonic, End-Times Marker?

    Is the Latest Brain Microchip Tech a Demonic, End-Times Marker?

    At an event at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Elon Musk talked about the radical advances his brain microchip company called Neuralink has made since he founded it in 2017. But do these technological advances have a more sinister purpose? The short-term goals of Neuralink are to treat various, serious brain disorders,

  • Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Is a Major Sign of the End Times

    Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Is a Major Sign of the End Times

    Is Facebook launching a new cryptocurrency called “Libra” in a bid to create a global monetary system? A one-world, monetary system? As put it, “Facebook may have too many users for its cryptocurrency to fail—even if you don’t trust it. The platform’s unprecedented user base is the only global population that’s big enough to

  • Sign of the Times? ESPN Endorses Ancient Spirit Drug

    Sign of the Times? ESPN Endorses Ancient Spirit Drug

    ESPN, the leading multinational multimedia sports entertainment organization, recently interviewed Mike Tyson about his psychedelic trip on DMT. Yes, you read that right. The sports channel is now talking about drugs in a positive manner? DMT, whether it is smoked or drunk through “ayahuasca,” is likely the spirit drug the fallen angels in Genesis 6

  • End-Times Expert Shares His Untold Encounter With the Demonic Realm

    End-Times Expert Shares His Untold Encounter With the Demonic Realm

    It is time that I share the untold side of my testimony, where I left reality and spoke to a demonic entity in outer space that deceived me about eternity, heaven and the true things of God. I’ve never shared a certain part of my testimony, as I did in this video, simply because it

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