Valerie G. Lowe

  • A  ‘Biggest Loser’ Contestant Loses More Than  Weight

    A ‘Biggest Loser’ Contestant Loses More Than Weight

    Stay-at-home mom Julie Hadden was 5 feet 1 inch tall, weighed 218 pounds and by medical standards considered morbidly obese when she pleaded with God to help her lose weight. But she had no idea He would use the hit reality TV show The Biggest Loser to help rid her of both the physical and…

  • His Faith and Our Faith

    His Faith and Our Faith

    It is one thing for us to believe it once and be electrified and be thrilled, to have our world turned upside down, but quite another to keep believing it. The devil will come alongside and tell you that it can't be true, and he appeals to our natural reasoning. He appeals to what we…

  • Count Your Blessings

    Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite days of the year. One reason I enjoy it is because I get to hang out with all my family members. I don't take them for granted because many people are estranged from their loved ones, and I'm not. The other reason is simple—I'm thankful.I've learned that the…

  • How to Win the Battle

    Whether you realize it, what you think about yourself affects your life in one of two ways: It either builds your self-esteem or tears it down. Maybe you've gained a few pounds and don't like the way you look. Or you fault yourself for getting laid off, even though the economy is to blame. No…

  • A Conversation at the Garden Tomb

    During my trip to the Garden Tomb in Israel, I felt God's Spirit in a way I had not experienced Him before. I could hear Him saying: "I love you. I sent my only Son to die for you, so you can spend eternity with me." The revelation of His feelings made me weep when…

  • Looking Toward New Jerusalem

    Looking Toward New Jerusalem

    The great theme of faith continues as we study the book of Hebrews. We have learned that faith sees the unseen, and we endure in faith and hope when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Now we turn our eyes heavenward to look into realms of…

  • Lord, Save My Family

    Lord, Save My Family

    As a Christian, it's difficult to relish in thoughts about heaven when you know your husband, children or other family members are not saved. But if you will commit to earnest prayer for your loved ones, the Holy Spirit will move on the heart of every person and give them an opportunity to come to…

  • Be Not Afraid

    Be Not Afraid

    As I showered in preparation for our last day of sightseeing, I reflected on many of the places we've visited. A list with a one- or two-sentence description would fill the rest of this blog. While each now holds a special place in my heart, and many brought the Bible to life and me to…

  • Draw Near to God

    Draw Near to God

    Believing God's promises necessitates first knowing God. Our experience of the Father comes through daily prayer, reading the Word and trust. Jesus taught that unwavering faith would be rewarded with heavenly answers. But when doubt comes our way, the Holy Spirit will help build our faith in the Father.

  • Rebecca St. James’ Pro-Life Message

    {youtube}muyLiEoBmk0{/youtube} For years singer and author Rebecca St. James has passionately delivered her True Love Waits message about abstinence and purity. Now she is extending that message with a burden for the unborn via her latest movie, Sarah's Choice. In her first leading role, St. James portrays Sarah Collins, a rising single professional who has…

  • Make a Decision

    Make a Decision

    In his first book Shaken Not Shattered, author Matthew Hagee challenges readers to “make a decision, and go for it!” in life. But for some Christians, that’s easier said than done. Are you afraid to make choices that require you to abandon your comfort zone for the unknown? Though you are passionate about God and…

  • The Gospel in Surround Sound

    Ever wonder how multitudes of people were able to hear Jesus speak even though He had no megaphone to help project His voice? When He delivered His famous Sermon on the Mount, He sat down on the mountainside and taught the people, saying: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of…

  • Israel: More Than a Moment

    Israel: More Than a Moment

    Israel. The mere mention of the word conjures up a favorite memory for those who've been, and a longing for those who haven't. After being here three days, it's difficult to pinpoint that one "a-ha" moment. It might be because those enlightening moments have been nearly nonstop since stepping off the plane in Tel Aviv.Our…

  • The Danger  of Looking Back

    The Danger of Looking Back

    Perhaps there is no other portion of the Torah so filled with vital stories than the section in Genesis 18:1-22, 24. Called Vayera, it includes the stories of three men who visited Abraham; of God's promising to give him and his wife, Sarah, a son; and of angels visiting Lot and urging him to leave…

  • Don’t Let Fear Stop You

    What's holding you back from fulfilling your godly purpose? Have you fallen prey to some sin and now you're afraid God doesn't love you? Do you listen to the enemy's lies about who you are? Whatever the cause, fear is keeping you from your destiny. When you see fear coming or sense its presence, face…

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