Valerie G. Lowe

  • Watch What You Think

    Whether good or bad, what we think dictates the choices we make in life. When we entertain wrong, inappropriate thoughts, our minds become receptacles of lust, disobedience, rebellion and other vices that produce strongholds in us. We actually become what we think! Our minds were not created to be a dumping ground for sin. We…

  • Pray for the Children

    During my trip to Israel several months ago, I ran into a group of Jewish kids on a field trip in the Old City. They reminded me of my nieces and nephews, running around playing and giggling nonstop. But not far from Jerusalem are children whose faces have been draped with anger and rage. Radical…

  • Pro-Israel Supporters Lobby Lawmakers at Annual Summit

    Pro-lsrael Christians from across the U.S. gathered in the nation's capital this week to participate in the fourth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit. The event gave some 4,000 participants the opportunity to demonstrate their support for the Holy Land by lobbying U.S. lawmakers to back the Jewish nation. "America really shouldn't be…

  • The Scarlet Letter

    I was in church one day when a friend in her late 20s slipped me a note that said she wanted to speak with me about something that had been weighing on her heart for months. "It's about the A-word," she wrote. I hadn't a clue what she meant by the "A-word," but I gave…

  • Where Do You Go When You Die?

    To Christians, death is the doorway to eternal life with God, where troubles cease and peace abounds. To others, it represents uncertainty. But Christ offers salvation through His death, and Jews and gentiles alike can know for certain where we go when we die. {youtubejw}Tm2XqNWvjKU{/youtubejw} Source:

  • Pray for Jon & Kate

    I'm single and I want to get married someday, but my No. 1 fear is that I'll end up like Jon and Kate Gosselin. The thought of watching my husband flaunt another woman in the national media, giving inquiring minds a front-row seat into my marriage, is enough to keep me away from any altar.…

  • When God Comes Knocking

    Are you a woman struggling with the call of God on your life? You know He wants you to share His Word, but you’re not sure how to get started or what to expect. We all grapple with similar issues as we branch out into ministry, but we can trust Him to help us. {youtubejw}S-taQjd9fBA{/youtubejw}

  • Israeli Supreme Court Declares Messianic Bakery Kosher

    Following a lengthy legal battle, Israel’s Supreme Court on June 29 ordered the Chief Orthodox Rabbinate to grant kashrut certification to an Ashdod bakery owned by a Messianic Jew, a decision likely to spark further confrontation between the nation’s highest legal arbiter and the ultra-Orthodox community. In its verdict, the court ruled that the 51-year-old

  • Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor

    Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor

    In my book, You Bring the Bagels; I’ll Bring the Gospel: Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor, I used a standard communication model to organize all the material into four sections: You, The Gentile Christian; Your Message, the “Jewish” Gospel; Your Audience (Your Jewish neighbor) and The Feedback: Barriers to Belief. In the first

  • Lessons From the Red Sea

    One of the most fascinating demonstrations of God’s unmatched power is the biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea. Today this vast body of water is home to all types of living creatures and coral reefs, and is a hot spot for divers and marine scientists. But do you know why some archaeologists

  • A Voice for the Voiceless

    A Voice for the Voiceless

    The niece of Martin Luther King Jr. was an unlikely woman to become a pro-life activist. She had an abortion herself, but the painful experience helped her uncover the lies used by the abortion industry.Alveda King is an unlikely poster child for pro-life causes. In 1970, when abortion was still illegal in the United States,…

  • Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

    Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

    Do you have a desire to pursue a passion or calling, but every time you make a move in that direction you talk yourself out of it? Maybe you’ve wanted to start your own business or launch out into ministry, but soon the idea overwhelms you and you give up before you get started. The

  • Gathering the Harvest in Unity

    Gathering the Harvest in Unity

    Many men and women of God are prophesying a coming harvest of unprecedented proportions impacting every expression of the body of Christ. Unity and fervent, effective intercession will characterize this next wave. Lines of division are fading as many share their anointed gifts across denominational and cultural lines. God’s people are discovering that it is

  • God Can Satisfy

    God Can Satisfy

    Several years ago I regularly struggled with discontentment. I was so disheartened by my problems and life in general that I spent hours seeking God for answers. I would pray in my car, in the office, everywhere. But nothing changed. The uneasiness I sensed was the last thing on my mind when I went to

  • God Can Satisfy

    Several years ago I regularly struggled with discontentment. I was so disheartened by my problems and life in general that I spent hours seeking God for answers. I would pray in my car, in the office, everywhere. But nothing changed. The uneasiness I sensed was the last thing on my mind when I went to…

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