Tim Cameron

  • How You Can Offense-Proof Your Marriage

    How You Can Offense-Proof Your Marriage

    How do you break the chains that negative words have created in your marriage? Everything in the Christian life begins with forgiveness, and it is the same way in your marriage. You must forgive each other for the many hurtful words that have been spoken in the past. Forgiveness is the oil of the Spirit

  • Prophetic Vision: Holy Spirit Is Bringing Fresh Anointing to Be Ambassadors in 2020

    Prophetic Vision: Holy Spirit Is Bringing Fresh Anointing to Be Ambassadors in 2020

    I was on the front row where I fellowship, and I had a vision in which I saw an angel. “The Holy Spirit is refreshing your life, and you are to be an ambassador for Christ!” she said. I fell to the ground, face down, and wept as she spoke. I remember wishing everyone could

  • The One Thing That Will Free You Into Powerful Prayer

    The One Thing That Will Free You Into Powerful Prayer

    There is no second guessing what we must be like to enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no test to pass to see if we have reached the right score on the righteousness scale. There is no spiritual timepiece to measure the minimum requirement for prayer and Bible study. There are no quotas on

  • This Attitude Is Key if You Want to Pray With a Pure Heart

    This Attitude Is Key if You Want to Pray With a Pure Heart

    Worship is the beginning of prayer. It is the first step, the starting point. Consider the fact that almost all man-made ideas for prayer or quiet times begin with worship, such as one of the more popular, ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Yet of far more importance is the fact that the King of

  • This Prayer Habit Can Take You to a Whole New Level of Intimacy With Jesus

    This Prayer Habit Can Take You to a Whole New Level of Intimacy With Jesus

    It was the familiar scenario with Jesus—He had gone off alone to pray. In His time of communion with the Father, Jesus understands it is time to ask His disciples the question: “Who do you say I am?” This question will provoke the greatest revelation of all time. The Spirit is ready to open the

  • How to Discern Between Good and God’s Best

    How to Discern Between Good and God’s Best

    “The enemy of the best is always the good.” That’s what one of my mentors, Dr. Charles Farah, would say. People who are popular will have many others pulling at them. Anyone with multiple responsibilities will daily face the decision to leave something undone. What is the most important decision you will make every day?

  • How to Reclaim Your Spiritual Zeal for Jesus

    How to Reclaim Your Spiritual Zeal for Jesus

    Jesus told the crowd to sit down. A very simple command and act. Can you sit down to sit and pray? The Lord revealed to us His purpose for answering prayer: He wants the Father to be glorified in the Son. Jesus wants our prayers to be answered as we pray in His name. The

  • How to Know Whether You Have a Pride Problem

    How to Know Whether You Have a Pride Problem

    We have a problem, and it is called pride. It is sinister and lurks around the corner of every success and attainment in life. The more educated we are, the greater the temptation to be proud, contemptuous and even arrogant. These temptations are so subtle, yet if realized, they destroy the spiritual life. There are

  • Your Spiritual Life Depends on This Crucial Discipline

    Your Spiritual Life Depends on This Crucial Discipline

    Thinking about food isn’t going to do much for your body. You have to eat food to live. You can know how to make food. You can know everything there is about its nutritional value. You can have a month’s supply of the healthy food stored in the pantry. But your knowledge of food and

  • Spiritual Habits to Form in the New Year

    Spiritual Habits to Form in the New Year

    Habits, now there’s a word that elicits a spectrum of feelings—conviction, consternation, embarrassment, satisfaction—depending on the spiritual condition of your many ingrained behaviors. A close look at your habits is a picture window into your soul. We equate habits as being either good or bad. I believe they have much more profound implications for our

  • The Key to Wise Decisions—It’s Not as Complicated as You Think

    The Key to Wise Decisions—It’s Not as Complicated as You Think

    How do we approach the Lord when we have a big decision to make? Do we pray for many hours? Do we fast? Do we seek counsel? With the challenge of choosing the twelve disciples, the particular time selected by Christ to pray is meant to be a lesson to all of us. He had

  • Why Christians Should Be Great Patriots

    Why Christians Should Be Great Patriots

    Many in our country today, Christian and non-Christian, have lost their way on the issue of respect for our authorities and our country. Every other Monday night, I have the deep privilege to associate with a marvelous patriot. Frank is a past international director of Toastmasters and is in the club of which I am

  • Will You Take Up This Mantle to Fulfill Christ’s Prayer?

    Will You Take Up This Mantle to Fulfill Christ’s Prayer?

    Jesus began all things with prayer and desires that we follow His example. The magnificent opportunity looms before us—our lives can be dramatically changed by the power of Jesus Christ; being conformed to His image and transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 8:29; 12:1-2). We can experience the victorious Christian life for ourselves

  • Take This 40-Day Challenge and Sensitize Yourself to Negative Words

    Take This 40-Day Challenge and Sensitize Yourself to Negative Words

    Oh, to take back some of the sarcastic, judgmental words I have said in the past! Maybe you can relate. But it simply isn’t that easy. If we have slandered someone, repeated gossip, judged someone or made cutting, sarcastic comments, we need to recognize those words for what they are: sin that requires repentance and

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