Steve Chua

  • The Power of Rest: It’s a Requirement, Not a Reward

    The Power of Rest: It’s a Requirement, Not a Reward

    I remember sitting by myself in a restaurant in Canada back in 2008. I had gone there in an attempt to get a quick break from the exhausting, nonstop busyness that had become my life. The ministry I worked for had become all-consuming. I wasn’t sleeping well. I was stressed, anxious and burnt out beyond

  • Why Communication Is More Than Words

    Why Communication Is More Than Words

    Communication is one of the biggest buzzwords in the world today. There are numerous books, blogs, courses, even careers all centered around it. It’s importance cannot be argued. Although communication is very important for a number of reasons, one reason, that we sometimes dismiss, is that it is a powerful tool God has given us

  • 3 Tips to Grow in Your God-Given Influence

    3 Tips to Grow in Your God-Given Influence

    In today’s world, when people hear the word influence or influencer they think of celebrities, CEOs or social media stars. But what we need to realize is that you don’t need to be at the top of an organizational chart or have a blue checkmark by your name to carry influence. God can use you

  • Encourage Healthy Relationships With These Common Spirit-Filled Attributes

    Encourage Healthy Relationships With These Common Spirit-Filled Attributes

    I remember back in 2012, I was asked to speak at a large church conference. The speaking schedule was very intense. I was scheduled to speak for 8 hours each day: 3 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening and then 2 hours more at night. Knowing how rigorous my schedule was, the

  • Why It’s Important to Forgive Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    Why It’s Important to Forgive Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    Nobody ever said forgiveness was easy. It’s hard to let go of the hurt that we feel or have felt. Oftentimes, we decide to hold onto grudges and pain because we believe we have the right to do so, but what we don’t realize is that unforgiveness is damaging us far more than the people

  • Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone?

    Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone?

    In the difficult circumstances and seasons of our lives, it’s easy to feel like we’re in a crisis and spinning out of control. Our perspective in these situations is so important. What if you viewed every crisis as an opportunity for growth? The key is surrendering your control to the one who is in control

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