Sid Roth

  • Jewish Evangelism: Speaking in Tongues Is a Key

    Jewish Evangelism: Speaking in Tongues Is a Key

    I believe God has given me an effective ministry in Jewish evangelism because of my faithfulness in praying in tongues. If you had X-ray vision and looked inside yourself, would you see a gigantic spirit? Paul understood how to develop his spirit. He said in 1 Corinthians 14:18, “I thank my God that I speak

  • Sid Roth: The Harvest is Ripe in Israel

    Sid Roth: The Harvest is Ripe in Israel

    Why are Christians not leading Jewish people to Jesus? Many believers have been misled by a spirit of deception. They have been told that a Jew who follows the old covenant is accepted by God without Jesus—so why witness to them? Paul gives the definitive answer in Acts 4:12, “There is no salvation in any

  • SID ROTH: Is Jesus Coming Back Sooner Than You Think?

    SID ROTH: Is Jesus Coming Back Sooner Than You Think?

    Note: This article originally appeared on in June 2015. God says in the last days He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh and the old men will dream dreams (see Joel 2:28). That was talking about me. It seems like only yesterday I was a young Jewish man of 30. I had

  • Sid Roth: The Most Anti-Semitic Act I Know

    Sid Roth: The Most Anti-Semitic Act I Know

    The most anti-Semitic act I know is to so love and honor your Jewish friends that you do not share the gospel with them. I am a Jew and Israeli citizen and, like Paul, would give up my very life for my brethren after the flesh. In recent years I am grateful for the Christians

  • Will Revival Come to the Jews?

    Will Revival Come to the Jews?

    Several years ago the Lord told Oral Roberts, "This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God." Proverbs 11:30 says, "He who wins souls is wise" (NKJV). Why? Because souls are the only thing we take to heaven. Earth is a war zone and the battle is for the souls of men. God's…

  • To the Jew First

    The Lord recently told Oral Roberts, "This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God."

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