Shawn Bolz

  • Shawn Bolz: What God Can Do Through Your Life to Heal Racism

    Shawn Bolz: What God Can Do Through Your Life to Heal Racism

    Sean Smith, an African American man, recounts a time when he invited a white man to his house who bluntly told him that he “hated black people.” Sean shared how he stopped the man right there. He said, “Hey, man. You have no reason to hate anybody else.” Sean asked, “Can I just share with

  • Shawn Bolz Prophetic Vision: What God Himself Put Into Humanity

    Shawn Bolz Prophetic Vision: What God Himself Put Into Humanity

    I was in a dreamlike vision, and everything around me was so hard to understand. Was I standing inside of the most beautiful painting come to life? Was I living somehow inside the melody of the most majestic song? Where was I? “You are seeing the ‘before,'” a voice came next to me. I didn’t

  • Shawn Bolz: God’s Authority Over Every Enemy Battle

    Shawn Bolz: God’s Authority Over Every Enemy Battle

    “Look how you have fallen from your heavenly place, O shining one, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, you who conquered nations” (Isa. 14:12). I don’t know what the coming war will totally look like at the end of the age as far as the actual battles, but I

  • Prophetic Vision: Shawn Bolz Says We Must Welcome Our Deliverer

    Prophetic Vision: Shawn Bolz Says We Must Welcome Our Deliverer

    During the first year of our time in Los Angeles, I had kidney stones seven times. They always hit on a Tuesday because Tuesday nights were when we did our ministry gathering. I knew they were demonic but no matter how much I or others prayed, they kept coming, sometimes lasting for days. I slept

  • Shawn Bolz Takes a Visit to the Second Heaven

    Shawn Bolz Takes a Visit to the Second Heaven

    I am going to give you an encounter-based view of what most evangelical theologians believe but, because it is experiential, some of it may not be exact but will help you relate to it. This would not be anti-biblical, but it would be considered extra biblical, meaning I am keeping to the basic tenants of

  • We’re ‘Designed to Bear Fruit,’ Shawn Bolz Says

    We’re ‘Designed to Bear Fruit,’ Shawn Bolz Says

    From chapter 7 (“The Great Provider”) from Shawn Bolz’s latest book, Encounter Our lives are wired for walking in not just an abundance but intentional resources that are both in our nature and will be provided around us. Think about God in Heaven as not just the normal Father role that we think of Him

  • Fighting Like the Biblical Heroes

    Fighting Like the Biblical Heroes

    From chapter 6 (“The Coming Battle”) of Shawn Bolz’s new book, Encounter Satan and his demons still have much they want to win at. Remember that T-shirt that some bikers and heavy metal wannabees wear: Better to be a leader in Hell than a servant in heaven! That is the downfall of what those bound

  • God’s Authority Over Every Enemy Battle

    God’s Authority Over Every Enemy Battle

    From chapter 5 (“How You Have Fallen Oh Morning Star”) of Shawn Bolz’s new book, Encounter Isaiah 14:12: Look how you have fallen from your heavenly place, O shining one, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, you who conquered nations. Contrasting Satan I don’t know what the coming war

  • Encounter Heaven’s Frequency

    Encounter Heaven’s Frequency

    “The next worldwide move of God will be marked by people who hear My voice.” I heard this powerful statement back in 2001 from the Holy Spirit. He took me through a series of encounters and biblical studies that have caused me to be convinced that each Christian not only is called to hear His

  • Jesus, Solomon and The Purpose of Life

    Jesus, Solomon and The Purpose of Life

    From chapter 2 (“To Have the Perceptions of God”) from Shawn Bolz’s new book, Encounter. Solomon was the first to cry out for something that God had always intended. It was how we were all made to be, connected and divinely intelligent so that we could live the greater life, the one that would be

  • The Vision of Solomon’s Temple

    The Vision of Solomon’s Temple

    From Chapter 1 (“The Beginning of the Encounter”) of Shawn Bolz’s new book, Encounter: I was positioned on a ridge looking over a valley. This experience was so real in my senses. I was up on a ridge looking over an area that was being developed by an ancient civilization. It was not like watching

  • Shawn Bolz: How Christians Are Lighting Up the Entertainment World

    Shawn Bolz: How Christians Are Lighting Up the Entertainment World

    Christians in entertainment are seeing a strikingly new narrative behind the scenes. This narrative is creating a fresh conversation for the role of faith in the entertainment world. For as long as Hollywood has been making films and television, as long as the music industry has been selling physical or digital songs and as long

  • Prophet: Chiefs Super Bowl Is Sign of End-Times Revival

    Prophet: Chiefs Super Bowl Is Sign of End-Times Revival

    According to a prophetic word from Bob Jones, the Kansas City Chiefs would at some point win the Super Bowl, and when they did, it would be a signpost to the church that revival is imminent. Let me tell you where this came from: In 2003, I took an internship group I ran from Kansas

  • 5 Things Shawn Bolz Learned From Hosting One of the Most Popular Christian Podcasts

    5 Things Shawn Bolz Learned From Hosting One of the Most Popular Christian Podcasts

    I am entering my official third year of hosting the Exploring the Prophetic podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. I can’t believe we have had over 3 million downloads! Here is what I am learning: 1. I am growing in faith. After hearing stories about God speaking in such profound ways about everything from disaster relief

  • Kanye West Trying to Put Christ Back in Christmas With “Mary” Opera

    Kanye West Trying to Put Christ Back in Christmas With “Mary” Opera

    “The West Family Christmas Card 2019”: The photo features Kardashian’s husband, music mogul Kanye West and their four children—North, 6; Saint, 4; Chicago, nearly 2 and Psalm, 7 months. One thing is for sure: Kanye isn’t slowing down. His recent declaration that they would be bringing the only once-performed opera, “Mary,” to New York (which

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