Scott Hagan

  • What We Can Learn From God’s Silence

    What We Can Learn From God’s Silence

    I recently uncovered the amazing mysteries of tranquility while excavating a lost sermon of Jesus. I’d been overlooking it in my gospel quarry for years. Once I knew where to dig, it became a simple discovery—one I invite you to make for yourself. Take a few moments with your New Testament and look up every

  • Do You Worship the Way God Wants Worship?

    Do You Worship the Way God Wants Worship?

    Birthday rituals, especially those between a papa bear and his cubs, have a way of creating a tearful stream. I’m as normal, I suppose, as any papa bear at the moment when, just prior to the cake and candles, I begin the jubilee by accepting my birthday cards from the kids. Responding joyfully to their

  • The Christmas Promise

    Mindful of a coming sunrise, the Almighty entered His exotic Eden and began taking inventory. He was short two humans and one apple. Though God's morning walk didn't include a cup of coffee, it did conclude with talk of another cup, a distant cup. It would be the tallest cup among three on a shelf…

  • Don’t Stop Half Way

    Don’t Stop Half Way

    Many Christians give up before they ever reach their full potential. You can find grace to finish the journey. God is the Good Potter. I am most often the Not-So-Good Clay. My job is to spin and to stay put in the center of the wheel. The Potter’s job is to design. Sometimes I don’t…

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