Sarah Stegall

  • Before the Fire Falls

    Have you asked for the fire of God to fall on the altar of your heart? Then get ready! You must remember that God will visit you as an all-consuming fire--burning up completely anything unlike Him. More and more saints are feeling that God's Spirit is invoking in them a passionate desire and hunger for…

  • It’s Not Just a Fairy Tale

    Cinderella's story has no doubt left an indelible mark on most of us; many say that it's a bad one. Many have unfairly blamed the fairy tale for creating illusions in women's minds about what their expectations should be. But even in this fantasy, there is truth: There is a Prince who will lift you…

  • Up One Day, Down the Next

    The foundation for our perception of truth has to become God's Word if we ever intend to have a consistent walk of faith. Our ever-changing emotions are totally unreliable. Trusting in the final authority of the Scriptures and the leading of God's Spirit has everything to do with victorious living. The world we live in…

  • The Spirit’s Fruit is Love

    Ultimately, the purity of our charitable works will stand or fall based on the motivation of our hearts. And the foundation for our service must be a genuine love for God that transforms all else we do. What a marvel of grace it is that God should love us. But what an awe-inspiring miracle it…

  • When a Thirsty Soul Found Love

    Like so many women today, the woman at the well sought to fulfill her longing for love and validation illegitimately. What Jesus did for her is what He does for a woman now: love her completely and assign the highest value to her life. Christ's gift to her and to us is living water that…

  • Smart Ideas to Grow Your Business

    Entrepreneur Gail Pittman found her niche when she began "playing around with pottery" at her kitchen table. Without formal training in art or business, Gail started small and trusted God to direct her steps. Not everybody will feel led to start a business from scratch. However, fulfilling the call of God is a mandate from…

  • Side by Side Ministry

    From creation, God has elected to reveal the fullness of His glory through both men and women. Priscilla and Acquila were a married couple mentioned in Acts and Romans as co-laborers in the evangelistic ministry of Paul the apostle. Phoebe was described by Paul as a "servant" or "deacon" (diakonos). It is believed that as…

  • Don’t Quit Now

    At first glance, evangelist Olivia Mitchell's life didn't appear to be promising. She was born to an interracial couple in the 1950s and subjected to ridicule, neglect and repeated acts of abuse. Many others would have given in to despair and failure when faced with such trying circumstances. But with God's help Olivia persevered. In…

  • Overcoming the Shame of Abortion

    Every one of us has known the reality of separation from God because of sin and shame. But the hope of the gospel is that God's mercy extends to anyone who will look to Him and accept His gift of salvation. Abortion leaves in its wake devastated women. Millions of them today need to know…

  • God is in Control

    Hannah Whitall Smith had a tremendous revelation of the sovereignty of God. She allowed for no "second causes" in her life but was pleased to receive from the hand of the Lord all that He purposed and permitted. Smith taught that the things with which we struggle will serve God's will if we allow them…

  • Remembering the Latter Rain

    Moves of the Spirit of God are always precipitated by spiritual hunger and repentance. Revival restores to us the knowledge and the experience of the gospel's truth. When the Spirit of God is poured out, our spirits are awakened to the reality of Christ's presence, His love for the world and His victory over every…

  • Who Are We to Pass Judgment?

    Few of us really understand the role that our critical thoughts play in our relationships. Nor do we realize how our opinions or prayers can shape or influence another person's behavior. Often we can be extremely merciful with ourselves while at the same time being merciless, unforgiving and impatient with other people. Our struggles may…

  • Responding to the Patriarchal Spirit

    Any woman who has served in Christian ministry has observed it. The patriarchal spirit seeks to prohibit the release of women into leadership roles. Today there are scores of men who are championing the cause of women in the church. Yet the theological and cultural debates go on. Christ elevated the status of women. He…

  • Watching and Waiting

    God blesses and energizes those who sacrifice by fasting sleep in order to pray. Special grace accompanies this experience, along with the privilege of witnessing miracles, healings and visitations of God's Spirit. Being available to God all through the evening hours and denying the flesh produces an environment that welcomes His manifest presence, provokes intercession…

  • Unconditional Trust

    No more profound biblical example of costly obedience and trust exists than in the figure of Abraham. His trust in God was resolute, and his worship was expensive--it cost him everything. He was asked to sacrifice not only his son but also his interpretation of what God had promised in the generations that would come…

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