Ron Luce

  • Thousands Saved as Revival Sweeps Nigeria: The ‘Gospel Classroom’

    Thousands Saved as Revival Sweeps Nigeria: The ‘Gospel Classroom’

    If you have not traveled overseas much, or not lately, make sure Nigeria is one of your first destinations when you do. It is simply shocking to witness a modern revival as it is unfolding and to see its far-reaching implications. As a backdrop, let me describe for you what has happened in the past

  • How the Church Must Prepare for First 100 Days Post-Pandemic

    How the Church Must Prepare for First 100 Days Post-Pandemic

    Business as usual in ministry has been obliterated. We have all just experienced something on the order of a global earthquake measuring 10 on the Richter scale. Almost all our buildings, roads, businesses and other ministry structures have been demolished. Just because the tremors have ceased does not mean we simply pick up where we

  • What if Judas Had a Blog?

    What if Judas Had a Blog?

    We have all felt that sensation. You are scrolling through social media and it seems as if a few people’s steady stream of negative comments shout louder than if you could hear all the new babies picture that flood your feed scream simultaneously in one voice! Those comments that mock, criticize and slander others, most

  • How to Stand Strong When Your World Comes Crashing Down

    How to Stand Strong When Your World Comes Crashing Down

    At 4:30 p.m. on May 11, 2012, time seemed to stop. That’s when I got a phone call informing me that my oldest daughter, Hannah, had been in an airplane crash and was badly burned. She and four young men, two of whom were her close friends, were in an eight-seater twin-engine Cessna en route

  • Ron Luce Addresses Depression, Suicide in the Church

    Ron Luce Addresses Depression, Suicide in the Church

    My heart goes out to Rick and Kay Warren over the death of their son, Matthew. Their grief has to be beyond what words can describe. Knowing how close my own daughter came to losing her life last May and having suffered the loss of several close friends and staff members, this tragedy hits close

  • Ron Luce: Legalized Pot a Buzz-Kill for Teens

    Ron Luce: Legalized Pot a Buzz-Kill for Teens

    Washington and Colorado have recently legalized marijuana use for adults over age 21. Some might see this as a progressive step forward, but in truth, it’s a major buzz-kill for teenagers. The effects of both legal and illegal marijuana use are impacting youth in America in a major way. Substance abuse experts already see a correlation

  • Sex Tape Celebrities Are Leading Our Teens Astray

    Sex Tape Celebrities Are Leading Our Teens Astray

    The perils of public exposure can sometimes be lost on our teens. We live in a society that celebritizes people who make bad decisions. They don’t have to be sorry, they simply have to “be strong.” That’s the phrase tweeted out by former Miss Teen Delaware Melissa King after she was accused of starring in

  • Protecting Our Kids

    Protecting Our Kids

    If there is a teenager in your home, you see something every day that others may miss: The battle for their hearts is real and the battle is here. The culture's impact even on Christian homes is undeniable. The questions screaming in a parent's mind are: "What in the world do I do? How can…

  • Quality Time

    Quality Time

    As a new school year descends upon us, with all the obligatory “back-to-school” sales and hype, we have to ask ourselves, “What are my kids going to learn this year besides reading, writing and arithmetic?” Many of us have seen our kids pick up things at school we don’t particularly care for. Maybe it’s an

  • Standing for God

    Because of the highly publicized scandals of some of our nation’s most prominent Christians, it is important for us as parents and leaders to talk to our kids about standing for God in the midst of moral failure in the church. Our children need to know how to process what they’ve seen and heard on

  • Don’t Be Silent

    Don’t Be Silent

    When you see something that conflicts with biblical standards, declare the truth.   As you may know, we’re in both a cultural battle and a spiritual war for this generation. We see evidence of it all around us every day—young people are broken and hurting. As Christian adults, we must get in the fight.  

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