Ron Allen

  • Is the American Church Making the Same Mistake the German Church Did Right Before WWI?

    Is the American Church Making the Same Mistake the German Church Did Right Before WWI?

    This week marks the anniversary of the beginning of the first world war. There were many blunders and missed opportunities for peace leading up to the outbreak of the war, but most historians blame the Germans for the start of hostilities. The lesson for Christians today is how the home for Martin Luther and the

  • Can Christ’s Ultimate Triumph Over Evil Be Seen in This Constellation?

    Can Christ’s Ultimate Triumph Over Evil Be Seen in This Constellation?

    This week the constellation Sagittarius (The archer) rises high in the South in the evening hours. Sagittarius is the fourth chapter of the star bible, telling of the advent of the seed of woman. It was also one of the major celestial signs of the advent of Christ, as the sign of His advent, Sagittarius,

  • Unleashing Psalm 133’s Blessing on America Through Prayer

    Unleashing Psalm 133’s Blessing on America Through Prayer

    The Bible speaks of unity as something that is “good and pleasant” (Ps. 133:1), and in unity “the Lord has commanded the blessing” (Ps. 133:3). Jesus prayed for Christian unity, “I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfect in unity, and that the world may know that You have sent Me”

  • Don’t Be Confused by the Crab and the Bears—Unpacking Confusion in the Heavens

    Don’t Be Confused by the Crab and the Bears—Unpacking Confusion in the Heavens

    On July 21 the Sun enters the constellation Cancer (The Holding Place). Cancer is the eleventh chapter of the Star Bible, and it is a picture of our eternal home with God, commonly called heaven. The modern name of Cancer, a Greek word meaning “crab”, clouds the original meaning. It is a mistranslation of the

  • Why the Church Needs to Use Spiritual Warfare on This Cultural Epidemic

    Why the Church Needs to Use Spiritual Warfare on This Cultural Epidemic

    In 1918 a new strain of influenza emerged which eventually killed as many as 100 million people. Unlike most illnesses, most of the victims were young and healthy. The reason for this mystery was soon discovered: the victims were not killed by the disease but by their own immune system’s response to it. Like the

  • This Beautiful Depiction of Pentecost Highlights an Important Truth for the Church Today

    This Beautiful Depiction of Pentecost Highlights an Important Truth for the Church Today

    One of the early popularizers of the star bible was E.W. Bullinger, whose classic book The Witness of the Stars appeared in 1893. Bullinger acknowledged the foundational work of Frances Rolleston, whose earlier work, Mazzaroth: or The Constellations, had collected the research underpinning the star bible. Bullinger then set about to organize and interpret the

  • Instead of Setting Captives Free, the Church Has Settled for This Type of Godless Liberty

    Instead of Setting Captives Free, the Church Has Settled for This Type of Godless Liberty

    Just ten days after the Americans celebrate their Revolution, the French celebrate theirs, on Bastille Day, July 14. The two revolutions could not have been more different. The Americans honored God in their Declaration of Independence. The French, on the other hand, adopted the atheistic, anti-Christian values of the French Enlightenment and set out to

  • Why the Church Must Respond to Isaiah’s Prophetic Call in This Hour

    Why the Church Must Respond to Isaiah’s Prophetic Call in This Hour

    Thanks to a nice bit of search by Fredrick Baltz, reported in the July/August 2017 issue of Biblical Archeology Review, an important ancient solar eclipse has been brought to light. The year was 702 B.C. The Assyrian Empire has destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel some 20 years before and now was setting its sights

  • Call to Intercession: Pray the Church Recaptures the Spirit of Declaration Day

    Call to Intercession: Pray the Church Recaptures the Spirit of Declaration Day

    Last week on July 4, we celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence and called it Independence Day. Actually, our Independence came seven years later, in 1783. On July 4, 1776, we made a declaration of our basic principles, and so the holiday should really be called Declaration Day. Our Founding Fathers declared first

  • Have You Unwittingly Succumbed to This Hazardous, Occultic Trend?

    Have You Unwittingly Succumbed to This Hazardous, Occultic Trend?

    People are always coming up to us and saying things like, “I’m a Leo. What does the Star Bible say about that?” Even some Christians still dabble in the evil, occultic practice of astrology. Those “Leos” think that the astrological dates they see in the papers (for Leo, July 23 to August 22) , are correct,

  • Prayer Strategies to End the Vicious Cycles of Unforgiveness

    Prayer Strategies to End the Vicious Cycles of Unforgiveness

    Today, on June 28, we remember two anniversary dates which are linked together in a cycle of bloodshed and unforgiveness. On July 28, 1914, 103 years ago, a young Serbian terrorist assassinated the archduke and crown prince of the great Austro-Hungarian Empire. The act led Austria-Hungary to revenge itself by declaring  war on Serbia. The

  • Prophetic End-Times Sign Depicts Seed of Woman Crushing Serpent’s Head

    Prophetic End-Times Sign Depicts Seed of Woman Crushing Serpent’s Head

    On June 21, the summer solstice day, the sun moves into the constellation Gemini (the united). Gemini is the tenth chapter of the Star Bible and is a picture of two men. One has the bright star Pollux (he who comes to suffer) at the head and the star Alhena (the wounded) at the foot,

  • These 3 Hebrew Feasts Depict Christ’s Second Coming

    These 3 Hebrew Feasts Depict Christ’s Second Coming

    Tomorrow, June 21, the summer begins on the summer solstice. Astronomically, the summer solstice is the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky over the northern hemisphere. It is also the longest day of the year. The opposite solstice, the winter solstice, is the day when the sun is lowest in

  • God’s Men Need a Specific Kind of Revival This Father’s Day

    God’s Men Need a Specific Kind of Revival This Father’s Day

    This week, we look back on the dedication of the Titanic memorial in Washington, D.C., on June 9, 1913. In the aftermath of the tragic sinking of the Titanic in 1912, hearings were held in the U.S. Senate. During these hearings, the doctrine of women and children first was reviewed, and it was found that

  • The Ancient Mystery of the Bright Cross in the Sky

    The Ancient Mystery of the Bright Cross in the Sky

    Recently, we discussed the phenomena of the wandering North Star which is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. The precession also causes the visible latitudes and corresponding altitudes of the stars to change over long periods of time. The Star Bible constellations, the 12 on the way, also known as the zodiac, and the

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