Peter Horrobin

  • How You Can Break the Heavy Chains of Addiction

    How You Can Break the Heavy Chains of Addiction

    I was walking briskly from one terminal to another at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Suddenly, I felt a tugging at my sleeve from a man who recognized me. I had no idea who he was, but his words got my attention: “Thank you for saving Jenny’s life.” I’ve received many such compliments through the years, but

  • Beware of Strange Fire

    Beware of Strange Fire

    We all want the genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s power. But we must be careful not to allow counterfeits. Almost as soon as I heard about the revival manifestations occurring in Lakeland, Fla., people began asking me questions. “What is it all about?” “Is this really revival?” Rather than answering these questions directly, I

  • How to Avoid Spiritual Shipwreck

    by Peter Horrobin   More than 20 years ago, on March 6, 1987, the Herald of Free Enterprise sank just outside Zeebrugge harbor in Belgium. This large roll-on, roll-off car ferry had crossed the North Sea many hundreds of times and had already made four crossings on that day between Belgium and the U.K. When

  • Can You Buy Your Healing?

    Can You Buy Your Healing?

    Where in Scripture does Jesus ever link the promise of healing with donations? In the 16th century some sectors of the Roman Catholic Church fell into the trap of selling “indulgences,” saying there would be relief in purgatory from the consequences of sins already forgiven. The Catholic Church became rich and powerful, but the people

  • How to Avoid Spiritual Shipwreck

    How to Avoid Spiritual Shipwreck

    If you want to make it through life without a moral failure, you must be sure to close every door the devil could enter. Years ago, on March 6, 1987, the Herald of Free Enterprise sank just outside Zeebrugge harbor in Belgium. This large roll-on, roll-off car ferry had crossed the North Sea many hundreds

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