Patrick Morley

  • A Helpful Guide to What You Can and Cannot Pray For

    A Helpful Guide to What You Can and Cannot Pray For

    “I say to you, though he will not rise and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as much as he needs” (Luke 11:8). For many months, I had been spiraling downward into a severe autoimmune disorder that two famous teaching hospitals could

  • How A Men’s Small Group Can Help When You Feel Overwhelmed

    How A Men’s Small Group Can Help When You Feel Overwhelmed

    The fallen world is a never-sleeping juggernaut that relentlessly crushes everything in its path without pity—our dreams, our plans and our relationships. We fight back, but eventually the accumulation of thousands of unfair and unjust criticisms, insults, accusations, rejections, slights, innuendos, disrespect, gossip, offenses, bullying, getting overlooked, feeling kicked to the curb, being denied access,

  • What to Do When Sharing Your Faith Intimidates You

    What to Do When Sharing Your Faith Intimidates You

    Every Christian man knows he should share his faith. Not many do. As one man said, “Sharing my faith scares and intimidates me.” But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t weigh on him. That’s why so many of us want to know, “How can I acquire boldness in spreading the gospel? What are some practical ways

  • The Supernatural Power of Praying for Other Men

    The Supernatural Power of Praying for Other Men

    One day I met Doug Coe, the influential behind-the-scenes leader of The Fellowship, host of the annual National Prayer Breakfast. I had been a Christian for 20 years, was 43 years old, and was an emerging Christian leader. Coe astonished me when he said, “I’ve been praying for you, that you would have: the vision

  • What to Do When You Feel Disrespected

    What to Do When You Feel Disrespected

    The ‘Presenting’ Problem Nothing will put us in a funk faster than dwelling on how we’ve been slighted, whether real or perceived. Pro athletes call it being disrespected. Little children don’t have a word for it yet. The closer the person is to us, the more painful the slight feels. For example, the driver who

  • 11 Ingredients of a Truly Excellent Leader

    11 Ingredients of a Truly Excellent Leader

    What makes a man a great leader?  Every now and then God calls a man to a task so big that few can equal the challenge. Above all else, these men are visionary. They see the world not so much as it is, but how it could be. They leave a crater, while at the

  • Understanding the Most Misunderstood Man Who Ever Lived

    Understanding the Most Misunderstood Man Who Ever Lived

    If asked, “Who is the most misunderstood man who ever lived?” many would answer, “Jesus Christ.” But what if you were asked, “Who is the most understood man who ever lived?” the answer would still be, “Jesus Christ.” How can someone move from misunderstanding to understanding Jesus Christ? Here are six ways Jesus described Himself.

  • Are You a True Disciple of Jesus?—3 Requirements for Every Christ-Follower

    Are You a True Disciple of Jesus?—3 Requirements for Every Christ-Follower

    The Greek word “disciple” literally means “pupil” or “learner.” When used in conjunction with Jesus, the term disciple came to mean an adherent to the person and teachings of Jesus. What does that look like on the ground? Here’s a great three-prong definition we use at Man in the Mirror. We like this so much

  • Men, This Is When Your Words Matter Most

    Men, This Is When Your Words Matter Most

    We hear it all the time: “Words matter.” And of course, that’s true. But so do actions. Andrew Carnegie put it like this, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” It’s hard to trust someone who consistently doesn’t follow through on what they say. 

  • Finding a Renewed Surge of Purpose When Everything Is Caving in Around You

    Finding a Renewed Surge of Purpose When Everything Is Caving in Around You

    If you know the answers to the following questions, you will feel a surge of meaning, purpose and direction. Even if your circumstances are out of whack and you’re under a lot of pressure.  Who am I? (Identity) Why do I exist? (Purpose) What am I supposed to do? (Calling, Mission) How do I do

  • A Parental Secret for Reaching the Millennial Generation

    A Parental Secret for Reaching the Millennial Generation

    OK, I admit the title is a bit ostentatious. But I wanted to get your attention. The lagging faith of the millennial generation has been widely, regularly and ominously discussed. However, the problem and solution is so much less complicated than you may think. Reaching millennials is often cloaked as something mysterious and opaque. But

  • When You Feel Like God Has Forsaken You, Remember This

    When You Feel Like God Has Forsaken You, Remember This

    I’m starting to come out of a rough patch, and here’s what I’ve been thinking: Lord, You promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). Lord, that is what Your Scripture says, but I have seen many dark times when I felt forsaken. Yet whenever I have not sensed Your presence in

  • Spiritually Happy Men Are Always a Part of This

    Spiritually Happy Men Are Always a Part of This

    Most of us have heard someone say, and many of us have said ourselves, “I know I should be more committed, but I just don’t feel challenged and inspired by church. “Besides, I’m getting everything I need in my small group.” Apparently one of Satan’s most effective strategies is simply to entice men to stop

  • This Action Is Habitual for Spiritually Happy Men

    This Action Is Habitual for Spiritually Happy Men

    Every “on-fire” Christian would love to be tithing. We all know men who are, and we’d love to be more like them—if for no other reason than to be as spiritually happy as they are. But how? Is generosity something you can work toward, something you receive by grace, or does it boil down to

  • Why Married Couples’ Prayers Are So Powerful

    Why Married Couples’ Prayers Are So Powerful

    Prayer is powerful. It puts us in a conversation with the perfect Father who loves you more than anyone ever could, and has more power than anyone you could ever know. So it makes sense that we would bring that love and power to bear in the most important earthly relationship most men will ever

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