Mike Bickle

  • Engaging in a Joel 2 Response to a Psalm 2 Crisis

    Engaging in a Joel 2 Response to a Psalm 2 Crisis

    During the last two years, I have had the opportunity to meet with various governors, senators, congressmen and congresswomen. Providentially, situation after situation opened up for me to sit down in private, heart-to-heart conversations with a few well-known public officials in America. I discovered quickly that these men and women love Jesus. They desire to

  • Friendly Fire in the Church: God’s Answer to a Growing Crisis

    Friendly Fire in the Church: God’s Answer to a Growing Crisis

    We are experiencing a dramatic change in the cultural climate, both in the United States and around the world. The temperature is rising, as is the heat against Christians in particular. As believers we would be foolish to expect sympathy from the secular world. Jesus promised us, “You will be hated by all nations for

  • Pray-Reading the Word Can Revolutionize Your Life

    Pray-Reading the Word Can Revolutionize Your Life

    Studying the Bible is critical to our walk with the Lord. But it is not enough to study the Bible—we must talk to God as we study. Bible study is meant to lead us to conversation with God by giving us “conversational material” for our prayer life. It provides the language we use as we

  • How to Live Out God’s Word With No Compromise

    How to Live Out God’s Word With No Compromise

    Imagine this great tragedy: A woman walks with God for 40 years, fully saved, redeemed and following Christ. She comes before the throne at the resurrection, and for the first time, she realizes what she's missed.She feels wave upon wave of pleasure flowing from the Son of God and says to herself, "I could have…

  • ‘You Shall Be Called a House of Prayer’

    ‘You Shall Be Called a House of Prayer’

    Do you know your eternal identity and destiny? Are you prepared for it? In one short statement Jesus revealed the eternal identity and destiny of His people. He declared, “You shall be called a house of prayer” (see Matt. 21:13). Jesus was quoting Isaiah’s prophecy to Israel: “My house shall be called a house of

  • Here’s How to Achieve Effectual Prayer

    Here’s How to Achieve Effectual Prayer

    One very important condition for effectual prayer is to be committed to walking out a lifestyle of righteousness before God and people, as indicated in James 5:16: “The effective … prayer of a righteous man avails much.” This biblical condition is often minimized or totally ignored, even by people who are deeply involved in the

  • 5 Expressions of God’s Love

    5 Expressions of God’s Love

    As we grow in prayer, we experience more of the love that has burned in God’s heart from eternity past. The ultimate reality of the kingdom is the burning love that has existed within the fellowship of the three persons of the Trinity from before the creation of the world. God is love. His very

  • Mike Bickle: Why We Must Pray

    Mike Bickle: Why We Must Pray

    We begin our journey of growing in prayer by acknowledging that prayer is not only for beginners but also for mature believers. Otherwise there would be no point in trying to grow in it! The Lord calls every believer to a life of prayer—no matter how long he has been saved or how experienced he

  • Faithfulness Carries Its Rewards

    Faithfulness Carries Its Rewards

    How diligently are you seeking God? Do you remain steady in your love for Him no matter what, or do you let life’s disappointments interfere with your pursuit of Him? Daniel loved God and showed it in his daily life in spite of his circumstances, and the Lord responded. The Lord revealed His love to

  • How Do We Take Hold of God’s Power Today?

    How Do We Take Hold of God’s Power Today?

    I am convinced that the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in all history will be released just before Jesus’ Second Coming. The body of Christ will participate in the greatest revival ever to occur in the generation in which the Lord returns. In this great revival the Holy Spirit will release the types of

  • 7 Prayer Focuses for Victory Over Cultural Strongholds

    7 Prayer Focuses for Victory Over Cultural Strongholds

    In addition to encouraging believers to pray for the Lord to release a greater measure of the Spirit with His gifts, fruit and wisdom on the church, I also encourage people to pray apostolic prayers and/or to remind God of biblical promises when interceding for a kingdom victory over cultural strongholds in society that are

  • The Key to Walking in God’s Divine Strategy for Your Life

    The Key to Walking in God’s Divine Strategy for Your Life

    In every hour of history there are divine strategies and measures of grace that God chooses to release. Our job is to press into the fullness of whatever God is offering His people in the season of history in which we live. Contending for the fullness of God means working against the obstacles that keep

  • How to Live a Fasted Lifestyle

    How to Live a Fasted Lifestyle

    I believe there are people alive on earth right now who will witness the Second Coming of Jesus. While no one knows the day or the hour of His coming, the Bible says we are to know the season of His coming (1 Thess. 5:1-6). Jesus may return in 10 years or it may be

  • Mike Bickle: A Prophetic Word Should Be Given With Authority

    Mike Bickle: A Prophetic Word Should Be Given With Authority

    “The Lord said to him, ‘Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say'” (Ex. 4:11-12). In Old Testament times there were usually only a

  • Mike Bickle: ‘Prophetic Ministry Cannot Be an End in Itself’

    Mike Bickle: ‘Prophetic Ministry Cannot Be an End in Itself’

    “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,

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