Mikaela Kate

  • 3 Vital Questions to Start Renewing Your Mind

    3 Vital Questions to Start Renewing Your Mind

    We all have some area we want to see changed or improved. Hopefully you’ve already mastered your New Year’s resolutions, but if that’s not quite you yet, here’s some food for thought. You’ve maybe heard the quote, “If you want to see change, change your mind.”   We know that this statement is true, but sometimes

  • Why You Might Feel Guilty for This Loving Action

    Why You Might Feel Guilty for This Loving Action

    When I am on a plane, I always find the flight attendant’s announcement a little awkward. Do I listen even though I’ve heard that speech about seat belts and exit rows 100 times, or do I seem rude and irresponsible like everyone else does and plug in my earphones and pretend like I am putting

  • Trash This Unbiblical Mentality When You Feel Stuck in a Waiting Season

    Trash This Unbiblical Mentality When You Feel Stuck in a Waiting Season

    As you think on your life, I am sure you can identify something you are waiting on. Maybe it’s a promotion, a change in your family situation, maybe healing with your health or—you fill in the blank: _____________. As I think on my own items of waiting, I am wondering how much of just living

  • Seeing Christ’s Bride Through the Prophetic Eyes of Love

    Seeing Christ’s Bride Through the Prophetic Eyes of Love

    Standing in worship last Sunday, I couldn’t seem to close my eyes. Normally, as the worship band plays, I often keep my eyes closed, as it helps me stay focused on worshipping God rather than people-watching on a Sunday morning. Yet this Sunday was different, God kept my eyes open and His voice simply whispered,

  • Spurn These 3 Dangerous Habits in Your Season of Waiting

    Spurn These 3 Dangerous Habits in Your Season of Waiting

    I am currently in a season where life looks different. Really different. My schedule, my routine, my coming, my going—all of it—different. If I am honest, I am not quite sure how to handle it, how to manage it and even how to live in it. I find myself looking for a how-to guide everywhere I

  • Facing Your Season of Chaotic Change With Wisdom and Faith

    Facing Your Season of Chaotic Change With Wisdom and Faith

    As I look back on the past couple years of my life, I can see it marked with significant transition and as 2016 comes to a close I am once again entering into a new chapter, with new possibilities and new relationships. In a word, change. In my head, change sounds wonderful, but in reality the

  • Remember These Truths When You Feel Like Giving Up

    Remember These Truths When You Feel Like Giving Up

    We’ve all been there! The point when you want to give up. Something or someone sets you off and you want to quit and run the other direction. I get it. I’ve been there. This post is for those moments when you want to hide and feel like you can’t keep going anymore! Here Are Your 5 Reasons Not to Quit! 

  • Discover Overflowing Joy in the Slow Ache of Waiting

    Discover Overflowing Joy in the Slow Ache of Waiting

    Waiting is hard. Maybe you are longing for a baby, maybe you are waiting for a promotion at work, maybe you are waiting for a breakthrough in your finances, or maybe you are still desiring a spouse. Whatever the area, you are feeling a void. You are lacking something you desire. The desires in your

  • 3 Things to Do While You’re Waiting on God

    3 Things to Do While You’re Waiting on God

    Only a few weeks ago, I ventured back to my wonderful home state of Iowa. Getting on the plane I found myself waiting, and as my journey progressed I realized how much waiting was a part of my trip itinerary. Waiting to get on the plane. Waiting to get off the plane. Waiting for my family

  • If You Don’t Know How to Say No, Read This

    If You Don’t Know How to Say No, Read This

    This week I found myself in two back-to-back coaching calls, where both individuals confessed to me their tendency to say “yes” too quickly and over commit themselves to too many people and too many tasks. This is a common trait in leaders and, if you’re not careful, it has a tendency to lead to burn

  • 9 Prophetic Word Words That Could Change Your Life Forever

    9 Prophetic Word Words That Could Change Your Life Forever

    “If you don’t embrace who you are and the story you have to tell, you will get lost in the story of others. It’s only when you realize how epic, unique and set apart your story is that you are able to fully build up the story of those around you because it’s then you

  • When Your to Do List Takes Over Your Life

    When Your to Do List Takes Over Your Life

    “If you don’t embrace who you are and the story you have to tell you will get lost in the story of others.  It’s only when you realize how epic, unique and set apart your story is that you are able to fully build up the story of those around you because it’s then you

  • When God Doesn’t Make Sense

    When God Doesn’t Make Sense

    Sometimes it seems that life just doesn’t make sense. Your dreams, goals, and ambitions are not aligning with your present reality and the end desire is nowhere in sight. Tragedy strikes, loss of a loved one, cancer, a dramatic turn in finances, a sudden career shift, and so many other things can cause us all to sit

  • 10 Things Millennials Want

    10 Things Millennials Want

    Recently, I’ve been struck by the millennial movies which are dominating the box office. Films like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner and The Divergent series. Recently, having watched The Maze Runner (thank you HBO for the free weekend), I laid in bed thinking about the deep connections of these movies. Yes, these are the kind

  • How You Can Sabotage Your Success

    How You Can Sabotage Your Success

    Nine times out of ten when I tell people I am a life coach, their immediate response is, “I need a life coach.” As I slowly begin probing them as to why they need a coach, the conversation eventually turns to what exactly I do in my coaching sessions. So over the next couple weeks I

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