Michael Brown

  • Regeneron, Trump and the Alleged Hypocrisy of the Pro-Life Movement

    Regeneron, Trump and the Alleged Hypocrisy of the Pro-Life Movement

    Have you heard the latest? President Trump cannot be pro-life since he used to and is promoting the anti-COVID drug Regeneron, which was allegedly developed with the help of fetal tissue. And pro-life organizations are being hypocritical by refusing to condemn the drug. Is there any truth to these charges? As reported by the UK

  • Michael Brown: Why Does Facebook Discriminate Against Gays?

    Michael Brown: Why Does Facebook Discriminate Against Gays?

    Why does Facebook treat gays unfairly? Why does it put them in a special class, telling them they must remain gay, even if they want to change? Why does Facebook suppress the stories of those who have changed—and are much happier for it—rather than give them the space to choose for themselves? You might say,

  • Michael Brown: Look Away from the Chaos and Lift Up Your Eyes

    Michael Brown: Look Away from the Chaos and Lift Up Your Eyes

    If you’re looking for cutting-edge political analysis, this is not the article for you. If you’re looking for the latest insights on the presidential elections, you’re in the wrong place. But if you’re looking for spiritual wisdom and encouragement, if you want to be uplifted and inspired, then keep reading. This article is for you.

  • Michael Brown: First Presidential Debate Mirrored America’s Attitudes

    Michael Brown: First Presidential Debate Mirrored America’s Attitudes

    Things got ugly fast, and they stayed ugly until the end. That’s why headlines from both the left and right spoke of “chaos” and a “circus” and a “bitter shouting match.” As I tweeted early on, “I have heard family arguments that were more mature and civil than this. Unreal.” And then later, “There’s so

  • Tens of Thousands of Christians Converged on DC—But Didn’t Trash the City

    Tens of Thousands of Christians Converged on DC—But Didn’t Trash the City

    Did you hear about the large Christian gatherings in Washington, D.C., this weekend? Did you see the news reports about the mayhem? The looting? The vandalism? The calls to “Burn it down!”? Did you hear the speakers calling for acts of violence and destruction? Oh, you didn’t? That’s because tens of thousands of Christians did

  • Michael Brown: Armageddon and Abortion

    Michael Brown: Armageddon and Abortion

    It’s not often you hear the word “Armageddon” tossed around in Washington, D.C., politics, but it’s been the operative word when it comes to filling the seat of Justice Ginsburg. Why all this talk about an “Armageddon option“? Why references to “Apocalypse Now“? The answer can be summed up in one word: abortion. The battle

  • Michael Brown: Reflections on the Passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Michael Brown: Reflections on the Passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    The news came as a shock in the midst of a year of unrelenting shocks, yet another jolt of massive proportions. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died at the age of 87. That her death took place as Jews around the world had begun to observe (or were about to observe) Rosh HaShanah, the traditional

  • Pastors John MacArthur and Andy Stanley Disagree, but I Agree With Both of Them

    Pastors John MacArthur and Andy Stanley Disagree, but I Agree With Both of Them

    Two of the best-known pastors in America have offered very different (and very public) responses to governmental prohibitions to church gatherings. Pastor John MacArthur has said no to government overreach and encouraged other pastors to do the same. Pastor Andy Stanley has said yes to government guidelines and feels this is the best example to

  • No, Stephen A. Smith, the Hiring of Steve Nash Is Not ‘White Privilege’

    No, Stephen A. Smith, the Hiring of Steve Nash Is Not ‘White Privilege’

    Must everything be about race? Can nothing be about merit? Can owners of a sports franchise no longer hire the person they believe is best qualified without making it into an issue of race? I’m talking here about the claim of the popular (and controversial) sports commentator Stephen A. Smith that the hiring of NBA

  • Are Black Lives Matter Leaders Calling on the Spirits of the Dead?

    Are Black Lives Matter Leaders Calling on the Spirits of the Dead?

    Is it true that leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, including one of the co-founders, are calling on the spirits of the dead? That they claim to receive spiritual power from the deceased? That they talk with these spirits and even give them names? The answer to all these questions is yes. This is

  • Meet the Gender Transcendent Mermaid Royalty

    Meet the Gender Transcendent Mermaid Royalty

    Let’s imagine you’re playing make-believe with your 3-year-old daughter, Sarah. You ask her, “What are you today?” She replies, “I’m a boy and a girl and a mermaid and a king and a queen, all rolled up in one!” You smile and reply, “You’ve got quite an imagination, Sarah!” But there’s nothing to smile about

  • Michael Brown: And Then They Burned the Bibles

    Michael Brown: And Then They Burned the Bibles

    It’s no surprise that rioters in Portland burned Bibles this past weekend. As I’ve said for weeks now, the spirit behind the riots is the spirit of lawlessness. It is anti-God and anti-Christ, and that’s why synagogues and churches have also been targets. When it comes to the Bible, for some, it is the ultimate

  • Michael Brown: Could Trump Be the Only Thing Holding America Back From Socialism?

    Michael Brown: Could Trump Be the Only Thing Holding America Back From Socialism?

    As a Trump supporter, I’ve said repeatedly that four more years of Donald Trump will not solve America’s problems. Not even close. At the same time, according to a leader of the underground church of China who is now in America, Trump is the only thing holding back America from a fall into socialism. (This

  • Saul Alinsky and the Black Lives Matter Movement

    Saul Alinsky and the Black Lives Matter Movement

    While Saul Alinsky can be connected directly to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I’m not aware that such a clear connection exists between the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement and Alinsky, who died in 1972. But there is no doubt that they share his philosophy of cultural revolution. In his insightful, 2009

  • Michael Brown: The Cancel Culture Is Losing Its Mind

    Michael Brown: The Cancel Culture Is Losing Its Mind

    Now that the Pandora’s box has been opened and the cancel culture has been turned loose, there is no hiding its scope. It is unrestrained and unrelenting. If you dare cross it, even in the slightest, you will be targeted next—even violently. The cancel culture is out of control. You cannot reason with it or

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