Michael Anthony

  • The #1 Secret to Knowing What God Wants You to Do

    The #1 Secret to Knowing What God Wants You to Do

    Sooner or later, you’re going to want to know what God wants you to do with your life. You’re going to face a decision that requires wisdom, insight and a perspective that’s simply outside your comfort zone, knowledge and bandwidth. How can you know — for sure — what God wants you to do? We

  • Time to Get Serious About Who You Are, Why You’re Here and What You’re Becoming

    Time to Get Serious About Who You Are, Why You’re Here and What You’re Becoming

    Your voices shape your choices and then your choices reinforce your voices. What voices are you listening to and how can you reign them in so that they don’t undermine you and actually move you forward? How do you know if it’s truly God speaking to you — and what if you heard incorrectly; or

  • Why the Small Things Are Bigger Than You Think

    Why the Small Things Are Bigger Than You Think

    Are the “small” things in your life undermining your momentum? They could be. Here’s how to make sure they aren’t, and how to move forward! Listen to this episode of Courageous Nation on Charisma Podcast Network now or watch it on YouTube. Text COURAGE to 24365 right now to get texts from Michael Anthony that

  • T.C. Stallings Shares His Secrets to Success in Life

    T.C. Stallings Shares His Secrets to Success in Life

    You may know him from the No.1 hit film, War Room, but you’re about to learn transferable lessons about success, perseverance and what it means to live with courage in this special episode featuring T.C. Stallings. He’s an actor, author, speaker and producer who will inspire you to reach your greatest potential! Watch this exclusive

  • Has the Rapture Become Your Escape Plan?

    Has the Rapture Become Your Escape Plan?

    No one is coming to save you before the return of Christ, so work hard, be responsible and make something beautiful of your life. Without realizing it, many Christians have begun to view the return of Christ as an escape plan God never meant it to be. In the meantime, they’re living far below their

  • The Root of Procrastination Undermines God’s Plans for You

    The Root of Procrastination Undermines God’s Plans for You

    Until you dig up the root, you won’t affect the fruit. This is why it’s vital to address why you’re not doing the things you know you should do. In a word, I’m talking about procrastination. Why do you procrastinate? Until you understand the root reasons, you aren’t going anywhere. But once you understand the

  • 4 Vital Takeaways From the James MacDonald Scandal

    4 Vital Takeaways From the James MacDonald Scandal

    When does a saint become a swindler? James MacDonald, founding and senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, was fired on Tuesday “for engaging in conduct that the Elders believe is contrary and harmful to the best interests of the church” – and for racking up $42 million of church debt. Amazingly, many of the church

  • When God Is Demonized, Evil Gains Ground

    When God Is Demonized, Evil Gains Ground

    Tuesday’s shooting at Great Mills High School demonstrates that America’s violence with guns problem is not about the kind of weapon, but the kind of assailant. Tuesday’s events did not involve an assault rifle. Every gun requires an angry or mentally unstable person to pull the trigger, and people would use butter knives to vent

  • Pennsylvania Pastor Calls for Immediate Fasting, Repentant Prayer for America

    Pennsylvania Pastor Calls for Immediate Fasting, Repentant Prayer for America

    When history is happening, it’s not immediately obvious when a tipping point has arrived. Only hindsight provides 20/20 vision. Last week was a woeful week for America, with Louisiana, Minnesota and Dallas making headlines. We may have reached the historic tipping point. The exact event that sends America over the edge may one day be

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