Meg Hart

  • 12 Scriptural Ways to Stay Vigilant in the Dark and Unknown Times

    12 Scriptural Ways to Stay Vigilant in the Dark and Unknown Times

    During worship at church recently, I had a vision where I was looking down an abyss of darkness. I could hear great confusion, anxiety, fear and panic. I could hear people yelling, screaming, crying and bumping into each other because they could not even see in front of them. I asked the Holy Spirit who

  • 10 Powerful Ways to Pause in God’s Presence

    10 Powerful Ways to Pause in God’s Presence

    As many people around the world remain on the stay-at-home order during this pandemic, it is easy to feel as life is at a standstill. Some believers are growing weary, stagnant and disheartened. There is no time for that, church. It is time to wake up and expectantly wait on the Lord. This is not

  • 4 Truths to Remember in Times of Tragedies, Trials and Tests

    4 Truths to Remember in Times of Tragedies, Trials and Tests

    There are some who are facing their darkest hours of tragedy, persecution and loss right now. My family and I have recently faced a heart-shattering tragedy when my uncle was brutally murdered on Good Friday. I had already personally faced and persevered the most difficult year of my life, and this tragedy knocked me down

  • Fight the Powers of Darkness With These 5 Biblical Steps

    Fight the Powers of Darkness With These 5 Biblical Steps

    In the wake of a society in which we glorify perversion, celebrate murder, indoctrinate school students with false religious practices and allow hatred for Christians to run rampant, it’s time to get serious. As the days are getting darker, and the light of Jesus is needed more than ever, many churches, pastors and everyday believers

  • 3 Ways This Unexpected Prince Charming Can Heal Your Heart

    3 Ways This Unexpected Prince Charming Can Heal Your Heart

    Valentine’s Day may have been a hard one for some of you. In an earthly, relational sense, it has been years since I was held, kissed and told that I was loved. After years of healing and spiritual restoration, I decided a long time ago that rather than be depressed and wait for something (or

  • 7 James 4:17 Ways to Combat the Evil That Hurts Us All

    7 James 4:17 Ways to Combat the Evil That Hurts Us All

    The church is in an uproar over the recent Reproductive Health Act signed by Governor Cuomo to abort babies up to birth. We are shedding tears over the blatant disregard for life and celebration of murder. We are seeing evil at levels we never expected to occur in our “one nation under God.” However, this

  • 3 Spirit-Fueled Ways You Can Break Idolatry Within the Church in 2019

    3 Spirit-Fueled Ways You Can Break Idolatry Within the Church in 2019

    As a new year approaches and the return of Jesus draws near, it’s time to break down the walls of idolatry within the church. The church cries for revival, yet most are not willing to give up the pleasures of this world and are not willing to repent: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers

  • 4 Wonderful Ways Jesus Can Transform Your Christmas Loneliness

    4 Wonderful Ways Jesus Can Transform Your Christmas Loneliness

    The holidays can be lonely times for those who have suffered losses of loved ones or are missing families, friendships or relationships due to extenuating circumstances. As a single mom, for many years I had to send my daughter across the country to visit her father and family at Christmas. As a little girl, she

  • 6 Spirit-Powered Ways to Rid Your Life of Demons

    6 Spirit-Powered Ways to Rid Your Life of Demons

    Part of the great falling-away of the church has a lot to do with who or what the believer chooses to occupy their time with daily. Satan has sent his demons to create a self-serving group of self-proclaimed “believers” who have one foot in the Word and one foot in a world where one cannot

  • 6 Reasons You Need to Break Rejection’s Shackles Right Now

    6 Reasons You Need to Break Rejection’s Shackles Right Now

    Do you feel devalued by the world? Do you feel that God loves you less because of your past mistakes and hurts? Have you bought into the lies of the enemy and through others who have rejected you and told you that you are unworthy? If you have said yes to even one of these

  • 5 Crucial Truths to Remember When You Feel Forgotten

    5 Crucial Truths to Remember When You Feel Forgotten

    You are not forgotten. In the midst of your joy, pain, successes and failures, you are not forgotten. In an age of people pleasing, social media and instant gratification, we long for those “likes”, “loves” and “wows”. Earthly approval and affirmation are nice perks in life, but we cannot spiritually survive on those things. There

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