Linda W. Rooks

  • Separated? This Author’s Been There and Now Helps Others Move Forward

    Separated? This Author’s Been There and Now Helps Others Move Forward

    A home ripped apart by one spouse leaving reverberates with a host of unanswered questions. Simple answers don’t exist—heartrending complexities do. In the midst of the turmoil, reconciliation may seem out of reach. But there is still hope for those who are willing to fight for their marriages. In this practical, scripturally grounded book on

  • Your Secret Weapon to Fight the Enemy—and Save Your Marriage

    Your Secret Weapon to Fight the Enemy—and Save Your Marriage

    During my three-year separation from my husband, God opened my eyes to the fact that I was not just fighting a physical and relational battle for my marriage, but a spiritual battle as well. Breaking through spiritual strongholds to find the victory of a renewed marriage required a powerful outpouring of prayer. For those who

  • She Endured a 3-Year Marital Separation; Now She Offers Hope to Other Struggling Couples

    She Endured a 3-Year Marital Separation; Now She Offers Hope to Other Struggling Couples

    It is estimated that upwards of 80 percent of separated couples ultimately seek out a divorce. Despite the sobering statistics, it is possible to reconcile and build a stronger, lasting marriage. In Fighting for Your Marriage While Separated: A Practical Guide for the Brokenhearted (New Growth Press/Feb. 25, 2019), Linda W. Rooks offers practical answers

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