Katie Souza

  • The Bible’s Promises to Restore Your Health, Youthful Appearance

    The Bible’s Promises to Restore Your Health, Youthful Appearance

    The Bible is packed full of promises that God’s people can walk in divine health and have their youth restored, even in their advanced years. Yet few are seeing the full manifestation of these truths. Instead, most are suffering some sort of pain, disease or disorder, and many are physically and mentally worn out. To

  • How This Spiritual Discipline Can Help You Defeat the Spirit of Death

    How This Spiritual Discipline Can Help You Defeat the Spirit of Death

    Communion is a powerful blessing, as it is one of the most important and intimate ways to celebrate Christ’s sacrifice. It’s impossible to cover all the benefits of the Lord’s Supper here, but let me share some key points connected to defeating the spirit of death. The body and blood of Jesus Christ can bring

  • What to Say When Demons Accuse You

    What to Say When Demons Accuse You

    Satan is constantly in the court of heaven accusing us. In Revelation 12:10, he’s called “the accuser of our brothers,” and the word accuser is “kategoros,” which means to accuse and make an accusation before a judge. This is courtroom language and “legalese” because we must actually deal with those accusations in heaven’s courts. Look

  • Katie Souza: How to Break the Spirit of Legion’s Grip on Your Body

    Katie Souza: How to Break the Spirit of Legion’s Grip on Your Body

    I received the revelation about Legion several years ago and have personally experienced many miracles because of it. I’ve been healed of lupus, chronic bladder and yeast infections, the flu and all manner of afflictions that the spirit of Legion had placed on me. Because of Holy Spirit’s guiding, I’ve gotten such dominion over Legion

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