Joyce Strong

  • How You Can Change Your World

    How You Can Change Your World

    The church should model integrity, honoring men and women equally. Earnest repentance and intentional reform would have a ripple effect throughout our culture. The world’s reforms will never do the job because they aren’t capable of changing the hearts of men. How can we hang back when we have the answer to the injustices in

  • Guard Your Heart From Emotional Ties

    Guard Your Heart From Emotional Ties

    As her fingers eased over the piano keys, repeating gently the notes of the last chord of “Purify My Heart,” Karen knew in her spirit that many had been touched by the worship this evening. A lingering smile sent her way from Wes, the worship team leader, confirmed it. Karen slid quietly off the piano

  • Unconditional Trust

    ABRAHAM FACED HIS ULTIMATE CHALLENGE OF OBEDIENCE ON MOUNT MORIAH. HE TRUSTED GOD AND SURRENDERED. UNAWARE OF WHAT THE OUTCOME WOULD BE.As the sun rose in the east, elusive early morning shadows played about the rugged crown of Mount Moriah. It was now just a day's journey away. Abraham searched its dim outline for understanding…

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