Joshua Friedeman

  • Taking Under-Resourced Ministries From Good to Great

    Taking Under-Resourced Ministries From Good to Great

    Dr. John Perkins is a civil rights activist focused on reconciliation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. If not for Perkins, the Jackson Leadership Foundation would likely not exist. Perkins connected Samuel Bolen, founder of JLF, to the global Leadership Foundation network. This is a Christian organization focused on providing leadership training and resources to

  • Building the Kingdom Through Cross-Cultural Church Planting Teams

    Building the Kingdom Through Cross-Cultural Church Planting Teams

    Planting a new church is no easy task. Starting a new ministry may require getting rid of some old practices or habits and discovering fresh ways to minister in a new context. This is a process that requires much prayer, wisdom, grace and sacrifice. Brian Tibbs, CEO at Ardeo Global, takes this difficult task to

  • How Becoming a Better Leader Allows You to Better Spread the Gospel

    How Becoming a Better Leader Allows You to Better Spread the Gospel

    Have you ever been busy enough that you wished you could make a copy of yourself? The power to duplicate yourself or multiply your impact is an attractive proposition, and Wes Griffin and others at the International Leadership Institute have found a highly successful way to do this. Griffin and his team founded ILI on

  • Capturing Saddam with Empathy-Based Listening

    Capturing Saddam with Empathy-Based Listening

    Eric Maddox was the first civilian interrogator for the Defense Intelligence Agency. This groundbreaking role came about in large measure because he was the interrogator who got the intel that led to the capture of Saddam Hussein. But there is one simple idea behind the headline that made this impressive feat possible. And the practice

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