John Stemberger

  • Will the Gay Agenda Destroy the Boy Scouts?

    Will the Gay Agenda Destroy the Boy Scouts?

    For many years now, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have courageously endured attacks fromhomosexual activists. However this week, top officials from the BSA organization have indicated that this may soon change. According to an NBC News report which broke the story on Monday, the BSA says that it is “discussing potentially removing the national

  • The Rising Tide of Influence

    The Rising Tide of Influence

    How Pentecostalism is gradually changing the dynamics of American politicsA phenomenon is emerging in politics today, one off the radar of most political observers. This movement hasn’t come crashing on the scene all at once, but instead has been steadily forming like a tsunami, untraced by most and even ignored by those aware of its potential…

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