Jodie Chiricosta

  • Why God’s Presence Changes Everything

    Why God’s Presence Changes Everything

    She was childless in an age when children gave women value.  She was an outsider in an age when they were shunned.  And as a woman, she was not someone a famous prophet would befriend.  But she was hungry for God’s presence, and that’s all that mattered! The unnamed Shunammite woman of 2 Kings 4

  • The Only Stain Remover That Truly Works

    Have you ever had a stain you just can’t get out? Stains can ruin a favorite garment. They make things feel dirty no matter how much we sanitize them. They draw attention to themselves and see impossible to hide. The other day I noticed an orange stain in our shiny white tub. No amount of

  • When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part II

    When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part II

    Revival is coming! Here are some things to consider.  3. Treasure God’s word in your heart. Consider that Mary and Joseph had just finished an arduous journey and were in a stable with animals when she went into labor. Joseph, a carpenter, had likely never delivered anything before. But he delivers Jesus. They wrap Him

  • When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part I

    When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part I

    God’s promised revival is coming. Are you ready? Revival is life changing, as all God’s promises are. We see it throughout scripture. When Joseph became governor of Egypt, huge responsibility came with the promotion. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they had to go to war. David had to unite a nation and fight

  • Do You Need to Experience God in a New Way this Christmas?

    Do You Need to Experience God in a New Way this Christmas?

    Have you ever wanted to cancel Christmas? All the hustle, bustle, pressure and expectations can be overwhelming. If life is overwhelming already, feeling we must make everything perfect can deflate and defeat us. The Stevens had a year like that. After months of fighting their son’s cancer as a family, they had no energy left

  • So That … Thanksgiving

    So That … Thanksgiving

    Safe shelter.  Plenty to eat. A choice of clothes.  Shoes on my feet. A loving family.  A comfortable bed. Friends to laugh with.  Pillows for my head. They are simple things that I’m thankful for And each year I appreciate them more  Eyesight to see.  Books I can read. Doctors close by to help when

  • Sacred Cows Hinder Revival

    Sacred Cows Hinder Revival

    Most of us have encountered sacred cows. They are the things, programs, even deeply seated beliefs so enshrined in our minds they are blindly embraced as truth or essential to our faith. We may not realize it, until someone questions or tries to change them. Then our opposition can be stiff and vicious. They can

  • Two Secrets About God’s Provision

    Two Secrets About God’s Provision

    Read time: 3 minutes 41 seconds I was always a good student.  But as a teenager I did not have much interest in or the money to go to college.  My parents encouraged me to go, so in obedience to them, I started the process.  I applied for scholarships to a few schools, but things were not looking good.  Then my high  school nominated me for recognition as a top student to the local paper.  A private college in  the city offered the top nominees a full scholarship!  I hadn’t even applied to that school  because it was too expensive!  But God provided a way for me to be where He wanted me to be  – before I even knew I would be there.    Mary was just a teenager when she became the mother of Jesus. After giving birth in a stable in  Bethlehem, Joseph found a house where they could live.  We don’t know exactly how long they  were there, but it could have been up to two years.  That is where the Magi found them.  God  had led them from a great distance to see the King of Kings.  And they brought gifts – valuable  gifts!     Many believe the gifts foretold the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus.  But they also played a  practical role in the lives of Joseph, Mary and Jesus.  For as soon as the Magi left, an angel told  Joseph to take his family and flee to Egypt!  They needed resources for that hasty journey and to  support them in a foreign land.  God had provided through the Magi before Joseph and Mary  even knew they would need it!    So, here is secret number one. God knows our needs long before we do. Romans 8:32 is a great  encouragement, it says, “since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all,  won’t he also give us everything else?”  If we will be diligent to walk with Him, we will always  have what we need.  There is a saying that goes, “where God guides, He always provides.” And it  is true.    There are times when provision comes miraculously, like the manna that God gave the Israelites  in the wilderness.  But, here is secret number two, He often provides through His people. He wants to use us to provide for others, like He used the Magi. Jesus, Himself, said “it is more  blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).     

  • 6 Supernatural Keys for Success in Spiritual Warfare

    6 Supernatural Keys for Success in Spiritual Warfare

    Pinkie’s burned down. It was a dark place. So dark, in fact that children trembled at the thought of it. Wicked things happened at Pinkie’s that scarred the lives of everyone associated with it. Its presence had ravaged lives in the community for decades. When Pastors Charles and Beverly Burchett found out what was going

  • Intentionally Raising a Godly Generation

    Intentionally Raising a Godly Generation

    Debbie put her faith in Christ at age 11. In fact, her whole family met Jesus at just about the same time. As her parents began growing in their faith, they nurtured growth in their children as well. Family Bible reading, prayer and talking about God’s leading in their lives became a nightly occurrence. One

  • After the Overturning of Roe, Good News Can Be Found for All

    After the Overturning of Roe, Good News Can Be Found for All

    Good news! The tragic Roe v. Wade decision that opened the doors for abortion in our nation has been overturned! But not everyone thinks so. Rage-filled groups hit the streets to harass and even terrorize churches and crisis pregnancy centers. Young women lament their fears on social media, while many older women see it as

  • Take Heart; Delays to God’s Promises Have a Purpose

    Take Heart; Delays to God’s Promises Have a Purpose

    Promises from God give us hope. They are exciting, something to look forward to and plan about. But when the fulfillment of a promise is delayed, it can be discouraging. In those times we must remember that God does not waste anything; His plan is at work even in the delay! The Promise to Joseph

  • How Is Your Foundation After COVID-19?

    How Is Your Foundation After COVID-19?

    Foundations are important. A faulty one will make the whole building unstable. One Sunday on the way to church, our son, Andrew, who was 15 at the time, declared, “I’m going to make a tree house today.” When we got home, he bounded into the back yard looking for a prime location, and we watched

  • Use This Powerful, Preventative Measure to Claim Victory Over the Devil

    Use This Powerful, Preventative Measure to Claim Victory Over the Devil

    We didn’t realize we had holes in our walls. But, one night as we were watching TV, I saw a mouse dash across our living room floor and disappear. Not thoroughly convinced at what I saw, I hoped it was just a shadow. But the next day I saw evidence in my pantry that it

  • Why You Need Not Fear God When You Mess Up

    Why You Need Not Fear God When You Mess Up

    Our family experienced several significant losses recently, leaving my emotions raw and agitated. Little things caused oversized reactions from me. I did and said things that were out of character—things that didn’t reflect who I am. I was not acting like me, a child and ambassador of God. For the Sake of My Name I

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