J. D. King

  • Moving From a Visitation to a Habitation of God

    Moving From a Visitation to a Habitation of God

    Ever since the fall, one of the greatest longings was for God to come and dwell with us once again here on earth. Broken humanity has desperately wanted to re-encounter God’s glorious presence. On some level, this transpired during the time of the Exodus. At the Feast of Tabernacles, tents were hastily constructed with the

  • Why the Azusa Street Revival Ended

    Why the Azusa Street Revival Ended

    In September of 2009, I had the privilege to travel to Los Angeles, California, and visit some of the original sites where the historic Azusa Street Revival transpired. As I shared some of my personal experiences online through Facebook and other forms of social media, one of my friends asked me to reflect on why

  • Part 2: Who’s the ‘Beast’ in the Book of Revelation?

    Part 2: Who’s the ‘Beast’ in the Book of Revelation?

    NOTE: This is part two in a two-part series. Click here for part one. Recently, I shared with you five descriptors we discover in the book of Revelation regarding the Beast and who he is. Today, we will discuss which person best meets those criteria. Who Is the Beast Of Revelation? So based on the

  • Who’s the ‘Beast’ in the Book of Revelation?

    Who’s the ‘Beast’ in the Book of Revelation?

    NOTE: This is part one of a two-part series. As far back as I can remember, people have been speculating about the identity of the “Antichrist,” an evil figure referenced in portions of the New Testament. After President Ronald Wilson Reagan was shot and miraculously recovered in 1981, people made the ridiculous assertion that he

  • Why the World’s Never Going to End

    Why the World’s Never Going to End

    Sometimes Jesus talks about realities that His beloved children don’t seem to comprehend. It’s quite common for Him to talk about a realm grander than the imagination. Though difficult to conceive, we’re being invited to somehow re-frame everything in light of His transforming kingdom. Moreover, when Jesus is talking about all these wonderful things, He

  • Is Looking for a Sign and a Wonder Wicked?

    Is Looking for a Sign and a Wonder Wicked?

    Teaching a little while back about “signs and wonders,” I had an older Christian man approach me and challenge my message. Seeking to bring correction, he brought up what Jesus said: “The Pharisees and Sadducees came and, testing Him, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. … A wicked and adulterous generation seeks for

  • Why Christians Should Stop Looking for the Rapture

    Why Christians Should Stop Looking for the Rapture

    I know individuals who enjoy turning to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and reflecting on what’s popularly called the “rapture.” They insist this passage is about God taking His people away. Yet is that true? Is this what these verses are really concerned with? While it’s true that in this section Paul talks about believers being caught

  • Why You May Not Recognize God Speaking to You

    Why You May Not Recognize God Speaking to You

    Have you ever taken a moment to consider how God communicated to individuals in the pages of the Bible? Now, I’m not talking about the specific content of these heavenly messages, but the actual means of their conveyance. How did the Lord functionally reveal what He wanted to be known? I know that this is

  • Why It Seems to Take God Forever to Unfold Your Destiny

    Why It Seems to Take God Forever to Unfold Your Destiny

    Someone recently disclosed how frustrated they were with the time it was taking to enter into their calling. In a moment of fierce discontent, they loudly exclaimed, “You’d think by now, I would have gotten somewhere in all of this. I honestly don’t understand why God is holding out on me?” From their limited perspective,

  • How God Speaks While You’re Sleeping

    How God Speaks While You’re Sleeping

    Throughout the pages of Scripture, visual realities erupted and revealed subtle mysteries of God’s kingdom. This may seem strange today, but the ancients believed that God would speak to them in the midst of their dreams. In this nocturnal state of mind, unparalleled insight and understanding were sometimes accessed. Reflecting on this, Job once declared,

  • What God Would Say to You

    What God Would Say to You

    Sometimes you take on the right posture and sincerely pray, but the difficult circumstances don’t subside. When this occurs, you might be tempted to “let up” or walk away, but that would be a tragic mistake. Contrary to popular assumptions, not everything is already in your line of vision. There are often subtle kingdom realities

  • When Christmas Is Over

    When Christmas Is Over

    Intense desires and expectations accompany the Christmas season. Beneath the smiles, lavish decorations, and melancholy music, most people are longing for deeper meaning and validation. In pursuing this, they will eagerly await loved ones making the long trek home. They’ll endlessly search for the perfect gifts. There’s a desire to compensate for the awkwardness and

  • The One Thing That Will Keep You From Your Destiny

    The One Thing That Will Keep You From Your Destiny

    There are innumerable gems in seemingly obscure places in the Bible. We all know the stories of Noah, Moses, and Daniel, but fewer are aware of Jehoash, the conflicted king of Israel. In the following, I would like to explore an episode from this man’s life. I’ve found that the biblical narratives are always transparent

  • Why We May Not be Living in the Last Days

    Why We May Not be Living in the Last Days

    I love to speak to others about my pervading hope for spiritual awakening. Despite all of the great darkness and unrest, I see the gospel spreading throughout the earth. The beauty and wonder of Jesus is literally transforming the nations. Nevertheless, when I share things like this, there are those who seem to find fault.

  • Could This Be Why People Don’t Get Healed?

    Could This Be Why People Don’t Get Healed?

    Sometimes I recount stories about healings that I’ve personally witnessed. I truly enjoy sharing firsthand testimonies of physical deliverance. It’s rather exciting to observe the restoration of broken bodies and the renewal of those who were once afflicted with pain. As God enables wonderful things like this to take place, I want to shout it

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