Gloria Copeland

  • How to Change Your Future

    How to Change Your Future

    Few people realize the power they release just by speaking words. Proverbs 18 talks about the power of the tongue, both for good and for evil, and how we can unleash that power to effect good in our lives. “A man’s [moral] self shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth; and with the

  • What Psalm 23 Reveals About God’s Character

    What Psalm 23 Reveals About God’s Character

    When I think of someone in the Bible who truly understood the goodness of God, one person that always comes to mind is David. God calls him a man after His own heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22). As a young shepherd tending his flock on the hills of Israel, David fellowshipped with God and

  • Time at the Master’s Feet

    Time at the Master’s Feet

    If you want to be a powerful force for God, make fellowship with Jesus your top priority.If you were to ask me to name the most important principle of Christian living I've ever learned, I would answer you without hesitation. It is the secret of daily communion with God. That is, without question, the No.…

  • Live Prosperously

    Live Prosperously

    God’s best for you includes every good thing you could possibly need. If I began to tell you about heaven, I couldn’t give you any firsthand information because I haven’t been there. But I can teach on prosperity because that is something I have experienced. I’ve gone from absolutely nothing to abundance in my life.

  • Why Fear? You’re Protected

    Why Fear? You’re Protected

    God's protection is not automatic. There are choices you have to make for God to be your refuge.The Bible is filled with accounts of God's supernatural protection. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace? What about Daniel and the lion's den? God has no problem bringing you out of threatening circumstances. Time and…

  • Time at the Master’s Feet

    Time at the Master’s Feet

    The best part of the Christian life, the one thing that is truly needful, is time spent with God. If you were to ask me to name the most important principle of Christian living I’ve ever learned, I would answer you without hesitation. It is the secret of daily communion with God. That is, without

  • Time at the Master’s Feet

    If you want to be a powerful force for God, make fellowship with Jesus your top priority.If you were to ask me to name the most important principle of Christian living I've ever learned, I would answer you without hesitation. It is the secret of daily communion with God. That is, without question, the No.…

  • Bless Those Who Persecute You

    How do you handle personal attacks, what the Bible calls persecution? When someone mistreats us or defames our character, it's human nature to want to confront the person and retaliate with harsh words or actions. But the Bible calls for a different response. Romans 12:14 says, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not…

  • Be Healed in Jesus’ Name!

    For many women like yourself, sickness, disease or physical pain is a reality you live with every day. You want to be a good wife and mother or fulfill your divine calling, but your health hinders you. God sees your struggle and He wants to touch you now. To receive prayer from a woman who…

  • How to Ruin Valentine’s Day

    How to Ruin Valentine’s Day

    I think the quickest way to ruin Valentine’s Day is with strife. “Strife” means “vigorous or bitter conflict, discord and antagonism; to quarrel, struggle or clash; competition; rivalry.” James 3:14-16 tells us clearly, “If ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. For where envying and

  • The Key to Life

    The Key to Life

    I first got excited about the word years ago when I read what my husband’s mother had written in the front of a Bible she gave Ken for his birthday: “Ken, precious, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.” I

  • You Can Live Sin Free

    by Gloria Copeland   The only real freedom is in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you've been born again, the old man inside you, the one that had been held captive by the devil and made a slave to sin, has died. The power of sin over you has been broken forever! “[Your] old man

  • Enemies of Love

    by Gloria Copeland   Love is the source of power for our successful Christian life. Galatians 5:6 even tells us that our faith works through love. Satan is continuously sending situations our way to tempt us to yield to the opposite of love, which is selfishness. As we study God's Word, we learn what authentic

  • How to Hear From God Constantly

    How to Hear From God Constantly

    “I just can’t hear God; I know He speaks to some people, but He just doesn’t speak to me!” If that’s your situation, there are several possible reasons for it. First, to hear His voice and be sensitive to His promptings you need to have a relationship with the Lord, which means spending quality time

  • For God So Loved The You …

    by Gloria Copeland   “For God so loved the WORLD” is a wonderful phrase. If God didn't love us unconditionally, we would have no hope. John 3:16 gives us a picture of God's love: “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so

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