Felicia Mann

  • Millions Worldwide to Unite in Continuous Prayer Sunday

    Millions Worldwide to Unite in Continuous Prayer Sunday

    Millions of Christians from 220 nations will unite in prayer and repentance on May 31—Pentecost Sunday—for the annual Global Day of Prayer (GDOP). Event organizers say the day will mark the first time there has been continuous prayer in every nation of the world. GDOP founder Graham Power told Charisma the prayer day is being…

  • Brownsville Revival Leaders, Students Reunite

    Brownsville Revival Leaders, Students Reunite

    May 21, 2009 -- Nearly a decade after millions flocked to Pensacola, Fla., to experience one of the longest lasting Pentecostal revivals in history, leaders of what became known as the Pensacola Outpouring and alumni of the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry (BRSM) are gathering to "remember, refresh and refire." Beginning tonight, the BRSM Reunion…

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