Dr. Steven Hotze

  • Medical Doctor: The Most Commonly Undiagnosed Health Condition

    Medical Doctor: The Most Commonly Undiagnosed Health Condition

    In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze discusses the importance of thyroid function for optimal health. He reveals that hypothyroidism is the most commonly undiagnosed health condition. Did you know that the thyroid hormone governs every cell in the human body and is the number one source of energy? Low energy is the first sign of

  • Men, Check This Vital Sign of Optimal Health

    Men, Check This Vital Sign of Optimal Health

    Men, are you: —Tired all the time and unable to sleep well? —Not getting the results you used to at the gym? —Not as sharp and focused at work? —Gaining a spare tire around your waist? —Feeling depressed and irritable? —Experiencing low libido? Men, do you want to feel your best? Have you been feeling

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