Dr. Michael Brown

  • Dr. Michael Brown: Rise Up and Break the Silencing Grip of Cancel Culture

    Dr. Michael Brown: Rise Up and Break the Silencing Grip of Cancel Culture

    Have you noticed that, as a conservative living in America today, there is a target on your back? If you are a Christian conservative, that target is even bigger. If you are a Christian conservative who refuses to bow down to the spirit of the age, the spirit of political correctness, that target is so

  • Dr. Michael Brown: Why Are These Lambs So Dangerous?

    Dr. Michael Brown: Why Are These Lambs So Dangerous?

    Lambs, in themselves, are not threatening in the least. To the contrary, lambs are thought of as innocent, as those that go silently to slaughter. Why, then, should lambs, spiritually speaking, be viewed as such a threat to the world? Why would lambs be considered so dangerous, speaking here obviously of Christian “lambs”? I could

  • The End of Freedom on College Campuses as We Have Known It

    The End of Freedom on College Campuses as We Have Known It

    It is difficult to describe how far our college and university campuses have lurched to the left in recent decades. Suffice it to say that, “According to a recent [2018] study on faculty party affiliation by the National Association of Scholars, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans at Williams College is 132:1; at Swarthmore it

  • Does Absolute Truth Exist? Dr. Michael Brown Responds to Latest Christian Leader Renouncing His Faith

    Does Absolute Truth Exist? Dr. Michael Brown Responds to Latest Christian Leader Renouncing His Faith

    As reported by Josh Shepherd on the Roys Report, “Brady ‘Phanatik’ Goodwin, founding member of Grammy-nominated Christian hip-hop group, The Cross Movement, and in recent years an apologetics teacher, stated Monday in a video posted online that he has renounced his Christian faith.” As he stated in Goodwin’s Facebook video, “I sent a letter to

  • Never Forget That the Gospel Is Made for Hard Times

    Never Forget That the Gospel Is Made for Hard Times

    Jeremiah the prophet had a very difficult life. He was called by God at a young age—most likely as a teen—yet was forbidden by the Lord to marry or have children. He was rejected. Hated. Beaten. Imprisoned. Mocked. Falsely accused. Abandoned to die. And he never altered his message for a period of 40 years,

  • Are American Christians Ready for Persecution?

    Are American Christians Ready for Persecution?

    When you think of the atrocities committed during the French Revolution, one word immediately comes to mind: guillotine. This grisly practice of beheading political opponents reached epidemic levels during the Reign of Terror, with estimates ranging from just a few thousand to as many as 17,000 who lost their heads. To this day, the image

  • The Author of Your Story

    The Author of Your Story

    From chapter 10 (“Tell Your Story!”) of Dr. Michael Brown’s new book, The Silencing of the Lambs David Pickup is a professional therapist who, himself, is ex-gay. And for years now, he has been testifying against the attempt to ban professional therapy for those struggling with same-sex attraction or gender confusion. In an email exchange

  • So I Finally Got COVID

    So I Finally Got COVID

    As happened to many other Americans during the Christmas break, both my wife and I came down with COVID, marking the first time either of us contracted it. (I write this article on Day Nine, and we are on the mend, albeit slowly.) Both of us have been far sicker at other times in our

  • The End of Freedom on College Campuses

    The End of Freedom on College Campuses

    From chapter 2 (“The Campus Thought Police”) from Dr. Michael L. Brown’s book, The Silencing of the Lambs. It is difficult to describe how far our college and university campuses have lurched to the left in recent decades. Suffice it to say that, “According to a recent [2018] study on faculty party affiliation by the

  • Dr. Michael Brown: Once Again, Why Many Evangelical Christians Strongly Support Trump

    Dr. Michael Brown: Once Again, Why Many Evangelical Christians Strongly Support Trump

    The massive groundswell of prayer support for President Donald J. Trump as he battles COVID-19 reminds us of just how strong his conservative Christian base remains. Yet his performance at the first presidential debate was so unchristian that the question remains: why are so many so loyal? This illustration will help to explain. Let’s say

  • Dr. Michael Brown: Did God Send COVID-19 as a Judgment From Heaven?

    Dr. Michael Brown: Did God Send COVID-19 as a Judgment From Heaven?

    Did God send COVID-19 as a plague on the LGBT community? That’s the shocking claim made by evangelical newscaster Rick Wiles. Pointing to the virus-related death of attorney Richard E. Weber, Wiles said, “He was a senior lawyer for the LGBT Bar Association of New York. The lawyers who sue churches, the lawyers who sue

  • This Miracle Separates Christianity From the Rest of the World

    This Miracle Separates Christianity From the Rest of the World

    The story is bizarre, incredible, unbelievable. It’s like a movie with a plot so absurd that it stretches all credulity, except in this case, every word of the story is true. What you are about to read is not disputed by historians. They all know that this story, the story of the mystical messiah, Shabbetai

  • Why the Holy Spirit Is Crying ‘Urgency!’ to Today’s Sleeping Church

    Why the Holy Spirit Is Crying ‘Urgency!’ to Today’s Sleeping Church

    As I pray and ask the Lord, “What is the Spirit saying?” I hear in my own spirit one word: urgency! These are urgent times, contentious times, confusing times. There are times of great upheaval and great opportunity. These are intense times, difficult times, blessed times. And the Spirit is saying, “Urgency!” Unfortunately, the message

  • Operation Jezebel

    Operation Jezebel

    On August 19, 2018, at the end of his sermon, John Kilpatrick, pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama, called for special prayer for President Donald Trump. He said witchcraft was coming against the president and quoted 2 Kings 9:22, which attributes the troubles the nation of Israel was facing to the sorceries

  • Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?

    Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?

    In the early 1700s, Andrew Fletcher wrote, “Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” This is a profound comment, but Fletcher was not the first one to say something like this. More than 2,000 years earlier, Plato wrote, “Any musical innovation is full of danger to

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