Dr. Caleb Cooper

  • Do You Still Believe in Heaven and Hell?

    Do You Still Believe in Heaven and Hell?

    Every time your heart beats, somebody dies on this earth and slips into eternity. Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day. The spirit and soul of a person who dies separate from their expired human body. The body is taken to the mortuary and their name is written in the obituaries but that does

  • Will You Stand Against the Spirit of the Antichrist Agenda?

    Will You Stand Against the Spirit of the Antichrist Agenda?

    There is not a doubt in my mind that the earth has been thrusted into a rapid accelerated end-time signs of the times. The Antichrist spirit is unleashing an agenda that is preparing the earth for the revealing of the Antichrist himself through the forcing of governmental mandates. The Antichrist agenda consists of a threefold

  • Will You Risk Everything To Bring Jesus Something?

    Will You Risk Everything To Bring Jesus Something?

    2020 will close out with a rare star in the sky today, Dec. 21, at sunset. This star is being called “The Christmas Star,” and it’s not been seen for 800 years. The two largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, are aligning. History reveals that this has not happened since 1623. You

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