Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.

  • Sexual Purity Requires a ‘Clean’ Brain

    Sexual Purity Requires a ‘Clean’ Brain

    The war over lust is multidimensional. In this war to be clean, you have several battlefronts. I want to show you how to sharpen your skills in a battle you may not even know you are in. This is a surprise for most men. Worse yet, this is often a battle most men have created,

  • Want to Be a Sexually Successful Husband?

    Want to Be a Sexually Successful Husband?

    I believe that God wants every Christian man to be sexually successful. He desires all of us to enter into the holy of holies where spirit, soul and body intimacy occurs with your wife on a regular basis. His desire is to equip each one of us with the skills to be spiritually and emotionally

  • Sexual Impurity: Satan’s Dirty Little War

    Sexual Impurity: Satan’s Dirty Little War

    Legend has it there was a day not so long ago when men were sexually pure. There was a day when a man gave his word on his wedding day to forsake all others, and he did exactly what he said he would do. He stayed married and faithful to the wife God gave to

  • Go on a Media Fast

    Go on a Media Fast

    The purpose of fasting is to deny our normal desires for food in order to focus our attention on the Lord. However, the principle of fasting from things we desire is applicable to other areas of our lives as well. Many things can become our “food.” America is so saturated with electronic media that we

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