Dawn Scott Jones

  • Why Who You Fellowship With Is Important

    Why Who You Fellowship With Is Important

    Fellowship. What a great word! It comes from the idea of two people sitting together in a ship. These two men or women would be companions, working or relaxing together, sharing community and conversation. Together they could enjoy the strength of relationship and experience the smooth sailing that camaraderie brings. But what would happen if

  • How to Stay Steady During Life’s Whirlwinds

    How to Stay Steady During Life’s Whirlwinds

    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens … I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecc. 3:1,10-11, NIV). Living in Michigan I’ve come to understand that seasons are inevitable. Whether I like it or not, one

  • Turning Life’s Pressures Into Opportunities

    Turning Life’s Pressures Into Opportunities

    While encouraging a young adult (I’ll call him Sam) to achieve some independence—based on the theory that more responsibility would empower him—Sam stiffened his back and exclaimed, “I’m not feeling the thrill!” His retort made me chuckle and his reluctance—more like dread—to take on new levels of responsibility became clear. But I persisted with the

  • What Can God Do When You Stop Playing It Safe?

    What Can God Do When You Stop Playing It Safe?

    Some people are perfectionists; they strive and struggle to get things just right. Often, paralyzed by their unrealistic standards, if sticklers can’t do something perfect, they won’t do it at all. Others are performance-driven, working hard at multiple projects to earn the gold star of approval, as if their accomplishments will convince everyone—including their own

  • Is Darkness Invading Your Fellowship With God?

    Is Darkness Invading Your Fellowship With God?

    Fellowship. What a great word! It comes from the idea of two people sitting together in a ship. These two men or women would be companions, working or relaxing together, sharing community and conversation. Together they could enjoy the strength of relationship and experience the smooth sailing that camaraderie brings. But what would happen if

  • The Battle in the Mind

    The Battle in the Mind

    Have you ever heard the statement, "The battle is in the mind"? I have countless times. I've even ministered on the topic.But have you ever asked yourself, "What battle?" The battle that goes on in our minds is the relentless siege by Satan upon our thought life that is intended to cause us first to…

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