David Ravenhill

  • Is Speaking in Tongues a Weapon for War?

    Is Speaking in Tongues a Weapon for War?

    Of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians, few would question the fact that the gift of tongues is by far the most controversial. If the gifts were likened to a family, tongues would be that member of the family nobody wants to acknowledge or be associated with. This is the one

  • Leonard Ravenhill’s Son: Why Does the Church Obsess Over Jezebel?

    Leonard Ravenhill’s Son: Why Does the Church Obsess Over Jezebel?

    I graduated from Bible School in 1964 and have been in full-time ministry ever since. For the first 30 years of ministry I barely heard the name Jezebel mentioned; but all that changed about 20 years or so ago. Jezebel suddenly became the queen of spirits, spiraling to the top of the charts in record

  • Leonard Ravenhill’s Son David Offers Prophetic Insight Into the Church During Trump’s Presidency

    Leonard Ravenhill’s Son David Offers Prophetic Insight Into the Church During Trump’s Presidency

    America is at a crossroads. Never in our short history has our nation been so divided, either racially, politically, spiritually or ideologically. Jesus made it abundantly clear that a nation divided cannot stand. What that last straw is that will forever break the back of this nation nobody knows for sure. What we do know

  • Something Is About to Change

    Something Is About to Change

    For almost 50 years of ministry, I have heard the prophetic community tell us we are on the verge of something new. They use terms like a new anointing, new alignment, new generation, new move, a new season, change is coming, there is a shift in the heavenlies and God is about to do a new thing. Others

  • The Danger of Abusing the Grace of God

    The Danger of Abusing the Grace of God

    Identity theft has risen to epidemic proportions in recent years. The Federal Trade Commission estimates as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen every year. Resolving identity theft may take months, and even years in some cases, to restore your credibility and good name. While I have not personally experienced the trauma of

  • A Word of Caution

    A Word of Caution

    For the past 48 years of ministry I’ve been in love with the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Some of you are familiar with the old saying, “If you have too much of the Word you will dry up. Too much of the Spirit and you will blow up, but if you…

  • America, There Is Still Hope

    America, There Is Still Hope

    Being an itinerant speaker affords me the unique opportunity of assessing the state of our nation, as well as that of the church. Both church and country are in dire need of revival—one spiritual, the other economical. Though in the eyes of some the two may seem poles apart, I believe they are inseparably linked.…

  • God Is Shaking Things Up

    God Is Shaking Things Up

    Editor's Note: The following message first appeared in the Summer 2008 issue of Unchained!, a quarterly magazine published by Pure Life Ministries (purelifeministries.org). It is still relevant for us today and offers encouragement about the times we are living in. The message is reprinted here with the permission of both the author and the publisher.…

  • God’s Blessings Are Unconditional

    by David Ravenhill   Nothing makes my blood boil more than the purposeful misinterpretation of or adding to God's Word for man's own selfish gain. During the time of Martin Luther, the Roman Catholic Church was notorious for its widespread practice of selling indulgences. The people were taught to believe that by giving to the

  • God’s Favor Is Not Contingent on Your Giving

    God’s Favor Is Not Contingent on Your Giving

    What utter blasphemy to suggest God can be bribed to favor us by our giving to Him! Nothing makes my blood boil more than the purposeful misinterpretation of or adding to God’s Word for man’s own selfish gain. During the time of Martin Luther, the Roman Catholic Church was notorious for its widespread practice of

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