Dave Kubal

  • Why Derek Chauvin’s Conviction Is Evidence There Is a God

    Why Derek Chauvin’s Conviction Is Evidence There Is a God

    On April 20, 2021, Police Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd. This case has captured the nation for almost a year now as those from all political perspectives and races have commonly cried out for “justice.” Within a few short hours of deliberation, a jury of Chauvin’s peers convicted him on all

  • White Supremacy Culture … In Math Class?

    White Supremacy Culture … In Math Class?

    Father, I pray for protection over the students in our nation’s schools. Guard the doorways of their hearts. Give intercessors and parents discernment when evil knocks at our school doors, so we may answer in love, strength and truth. As a former math teacher, I never imagined any math teacher could be a racist simply

  • Inauguration 2021: Where Do We Go From Here?

    Inauguration 2021: Where Do We Go From Here?

    As our nation inaugurated President Biden and Vice President Harris, all of America is processing this transition in different ways. For the politically active Christian intercessor, there is a strong sense of loss and even mourning. Has God abandoned us? Why did He not hear our prayers? Is our hope of justice in the land

  • 5 Reasons Why We Must Not Cease Praying

    5 Reasons Why We Must Not Cease Praying

    Awaken us, Lord! Call us to our stations for prayer. We seek You for wisdom, strategy and discernment in these days! Find us faithful in prayer. We all have election fatigue—yes, it’s real. And before I go further, I want to thank the thousands of intercessors who have faithfully prayed for and about the election

  • Why Defunding the Police Is a Terrible Idea

    Why Defunding the Police Is a Terrible Idea

    Defund the police? Have you ever heard of this? Have you ever thought that people would think that defunding the police would be a good idea? For the first time in the history of our nation, the leaders of a major city, Minneapolis, intend to defund and disband the city’s police force. So many city

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